We don't like fat women being confident.

We don't like fat women being confident. It's not a question, it's not an opinion, it's true. When fat women become visible to us, when fat women have their voices heard, we are appalled . "How dare this fat woman upload a selfie to Instagram in her bikini? She's promoting obesity! Think about her followers! How disgusting, she's so unhealthy, she needs to diet" I mean, wow. Telling anyone they need to diet is never really a polite thing to do as it is, but when it's done on social media, under a photo a fat woman has uploaded because she thinks she looks great, it's just ten times more venomous. This is not an "unpopular opinion" by any means, and is not an uncommon post either. I see at least one tweet a day that looks like this. Of course, the discussion of visible fat women and body positivity has really become more prominent since Tess Holliday made it onto this month's cover of Cosmopolitan magazine - a...