Think of yourself as a delicious cake and never look back.

As humans , we have the capability to love very intensely- and the capability to love everything! We find it very easy to declare our love for something, whether it be for our new shoes, the latest TV sitcom on E4 or our best friend, the word love is tossed around more than a bottle of coke on the river Thames. And yet whilst we find it so very easy to love things, both people and inanimate objects, we find it so very difficult to love the most important thing in the world- ourselves.

It is very rare that you come across a girl who isn't constantly aware of the flaws she believes she possesses. More often than not the issue is weight, but it is other smaller things too, like boob size, the amount of visible pores she has, height, foot size, even intelligence- or lack of it. A lot of the time, she comes with a some groupies who support her- they tell her how wrong she is, how amazing her figure is and how smart she is. This is very nice of them, obviously. It's never okay to make someone feel bad about themselves, even if you too can see that the feature they're pointing out may not be their strongest. But isn't it also equally as mean to fill them with a false sense of security about themselves? If your friend is overweight and you lie and tell her she's thin, will she thank you in future after she's been labelled obese by her doctor, for lying to her rather than gently encouraging her to lose weight? Probably not. You don't have to agree with your friend, nor lie to her either. Just tell her not to feel too bad about it, and highlight one of her stronger features instead- she's bound to appreciate it more and it will give her a huge confidence boost. What girl doesn't need that? On top of this, she will start to love the feature you have highlighted. Voila, you have played a part in helping someone to love their self. But maybe you aren't finding it easy to love yourself? Don't worry, you aren't alone.

The first step you must take to begin loving yourself and your body is to realize that nobody is perfect. This is a mantra that you must repeat to yourself over and over, whenever you can (obviously not out loud as you're sat on a may get a few odd looks!). The more you tell yourself something, the more you remember it, a bit like revision at school. More importantly, the more often you tell yourself something, the sooner you will start to believe it. Repeat after me: nobody is perfect.

Once you have set yourself into this frame of mind, you can begin to love yourself. Forget these 'flaws'. There's no such thing. These 'flaws' are a part of who you are, and you are beautiful. You may not like the size of your nose, how much you weigh or how your hair is at that awkward stage, where it's not curly or straight and just does it's own thing, but these features make you the person you are, the beautiful person you are. In the words of Queen B you woke up like this- flawless.

Why waste time being bothered by these though? One of my favorite quotes is "the separate ingredients that go into a cake are pretty gross on their own. Put them together, and you have a cake, which is pretty damn delicious. It's the same with people- there may be a few things you don't like on their own, but as a whole person, you're pretty damn special". And it's true. So you don't like your nose. Look past that. Instead of spending hours in front of the mirror, getting caught up on this one feature you don't like, look in the mirror past that. There's more to you than just your nose. Look at your eyes, your lips, your straight teeth, the natural highlights in your hair- look at these and appreciate them. Whilst you may have one 'flaw', or two, don't let these hold you back. Instead, play up to your strengths. If it's your eyes, emphasize them with new make up techniques. If it's your lips, again, try a new lipstick that will draw attention to them- whatever it is you like about yourself, start loving it instead!

Furthermore, by emphasizing your favorite features, you not only draw attention to them, but away from the features you feel more self conscious about- it's a win win situation.

It's normal for everybody to have insecurities of some kind. There will always be someone who you feel looks better than you, or does something better than you. Even Kim Kardashian admitted that when she stands next to her model friends she feels fat. Kim Kardashian. Feels fat. You wouldn't believe it, but it's living proof that literally everyone is effected by insecurities, things they don't like about themselves, no matter how perfect others may perceive them to be.

As well as keeping up with the mantra "Nobody is perfect", there are other things you can do to help appreciate the person you are and to start loving yourself as much as you love that new Gucci handbag. Make a point of setting aside 5 minutes in the day to look in the mirror and find one thing that looks good- be it something permanent about yourself, like your cheekbones, or something temporary, like your hairstyle for the day. Doing this will gradually implant a feeling of self love and self worth into our minds. If there's something you're really unhappy about, and you know you can change it such as hair, or weight, or how you dress, then make a checklist of things you can do to go about getting the results you want. Things on the checklist could include "ask friends what hairstyle would suit me" or "go for a jog once a week" etc. etc.. By creating a checklist, you are more likely to achieve goals- and if achieving these goals will make you love your body, then go go go!

Whilst changing yourself to improve the happiness you feel with your body and who you are is okay to do, you must also learn to accept there are things you can't change and you must just learn to love the way they complete you as a whole. It is also important that when changing yourself, you stay safe and don't take things too far. Being healthy is just as important as being happy.

Learn to love yourself. Remember, no one likes raw egg, but cakes and cookies are pretty tasty!

Love from,
Florence Grace.


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