What 'Jenner-ous' lips you have there...

Wow. So has anybody else noticed the increase in lippage on Kylie Jenners face at the moment? The 16 year old sister to Kim, Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian is fighting all rumors regarding plastic surgery, deeming them 'insulting',  but as she flaunts her pout across her instagram page, followers can't help but notice an increase in size.

It seems to be that Kylie is following in older sister Kims footsteps- reconstructing her face to help boost her modelling career. The youngest of the 5 sisters, it looks like Kylie may feel she has a lot to live up to, and some are even claiming the plastic surgery to be a remedy for the jealousy she feels towards big sister Kendall's successful modelling career.

But is changing her face the way to go about living up to the expectations, or even a way to beat the jealousy she may feel toward her sisters?

Whilst it may give her modelling career a bit of a boost, it sends out a pretty negative message to her fan base- made up largely of young adult and teenage girls- demonstrating that if you aren't happy with the way you look, surgery is the answer. Surgery will make you beautiful and, ultimately, perfect. It also tells young girls that if Kylie, a model, feels she's not pretty enough, I can't be pretty enough either. A lot of celebrities, including the Kardashian clan, seem to forget how influential they are on us lesser species and don't seem to always realize what an impact they have on their fans. Kylie is a gorgeous girl and has made the mistake that a lot of 16 year old girls do- comparing herself to others. Like the rest of the teenage girl community, Kylie needs to learn to embrace her flaws- yes, everyone has flaws, even Kardashians/Jenners!- and learn to see the positives in herself, because she is gorgeous and who wouldn't sell an arm or a leg for her figure?

Work with your assets Kylie and embrace your gorgeous face! And that goes for girls everywhere else too.

Love from,
Florence Grace

Let me know what you think below!


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