Review: This Is How We Do

So 31/07/2014 saw the release of the greatly anticipated 'This Is How We Do' music video from the queen of kooky herself, Katy Perry. With the incredibly unique and humerous video for 'Birthday', I for one was looking forward to what Katy would come up with next! And needless to say, she did not disappoint.

The video features a mixture of animated and real life scenery and characters, as well as Katy modelling a range of styles and hair do's and topless men doing some rather intriguing dance moves...

Despite what I believe to be a pretty ingenious video, Katy has been receiving some criticism for her choice of costume and props, with many saying she is imitating some of the looks and props used by Lady Gaga, Jessie J and Beyonce. Sure, these are all fabulous and talented artists that inspire many people, but Katy is a queen in her own right and it seems unlikely that she would feel the need to imitate anyone rather than be her own person! Lets me walk you through a review of some of her looks and see what you think...

Look No.1. 
This outfit is pretty crazy with an underlying 60's theme. The block colours, the primary colours, the general brightness of the scenery behind her made up of basic geometric shapes, as well as the Mary Quant colour theme hair all creates a bit of a 60's vibe. Beyonce did use a bit of a 60's theme in her 'Countdown' video, but no where near to the extent of this. I feel the brightness of this outfit really conveys Katy's crazy and upbeat personality and doesn't really seem to imitate any other artists. 

Look No.2. 
This look is a bit 'hipster'-esque- a look that has been popular with young adults and teenagers since about 2012. The camo print 'tatty' looking fleece really fits in with the 'hipster' look from the last few years, along with the green streaks in her hair and the cute flowers in her hair. However, Katy has kept the look classy by coordinating her nail and lip colour with the fleece. I think this is a bit of an ordinary look and doesn't really suit Katy- and definitely doesn't imitate any of the artists listed above!

Look No.3.
This is a super-classy look, and no disrespect to Katy, but not a style we usually see her adopting! Despite being nude in a bath, she's kept it respectful and classy by covering up all her bits and pieces. The simple black background emphasizes the red of her lips and nails (again, matching coloured nails and lips keeping the look classy). Wearing nothing but pearls also emphasizes the classiness of the look, as the connotations of pearls are ordinarily wealth and class. I think this look really suits Katy, and the only link I can find to the artists listed above is the level of class she has adopted is similar to that of Beyonce's in all her videos. 

Look No.5.
Look number 5 is really quite 'out there' and is pretty 'in' right now. It is very popular in London, especially in areas like Camden. Again, the wildness of the look really conveys Katy's personality. It also has a 90's touch to it, with the hair style and garish green plaits. This look understandably can be compared to a lot of Lady Gaga's looks with the unique hair style, clashing outfit and makeup and jewelry. Although this look is bold and brash, I don't think it suits Katy.

Look No.6.
Lastly, this look by Katy. I adore everything about this outfit, from the cute sunglasses, to the pizza earrings and leotard! (If anyone can track those down for me...) The high, scraped back ponytail is similar to some of Beyonces hair styles but besides that, this is another unique look from Katy! The Lara Croft style braid really gives us a clear view of her face and emphasizes the sunglasses which are pretty central to the shot and obviously are meant to stand out. This look really works for Katy, and is completely unique and all round fabulous!

There are many more looks Katy pulls off throughout the video, I have just evaluated a few. But I completely disagree with the statement that she is trying to pull off knock-off Beyonce/Lady Gaga/Jessie J looks!Katy looks fabulous throughout the whole video and completely unique! But what do you think?
Love from,
Florence Grace

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