Katie's hopping into action to maximize the levels of eating disorders.

WARNING: This poset contains content that may be found triggering to those suffering from /recovering from/have recovered from eating disorders due to mental health problems.

Katie Hopkins, a woman infamous for her controversial opinions and brutal honesty, aired through her weekly columns and over her Twitter account. Some say her honesty is a fresh new change for someone working in the media industry and agree that she says what everybody else is thinking but too scared to say, whilst others believe that she takes her opinions to far until they become rude and targeting towards certain subcultures.

The former 'Apprentice' stars most recent opinions have been aimed at overweight/obese people- including celebrities such as bolshy pop star, Lily Allen . Katie frequently tweets about how if you are over weight it is through no fault of your own. Many people seem to respond positively, telling her their own story and saying how it is all down to you. Others don't agree at all, and offer their own experience- stories Katie refers to as 'excuses'.

In a further attempt to prove her point and back up her opinion, Katie has started an experiment of her own in preparation for a new documentary 'Journey to fat and back'. This preparation has involved Hopkins purposely piling on a whopping 3 stone to become overweight. The writer admitted to eating 13 ready meals a day, alongside  variety of snacks of sweets, chocolate and crisps. Throughout this, she has kept movement and exercise to a minimal. Once she has gained as much weight as is needed, she will then get back into a healthy regime with a regular exercise plan to reduce her weight back to what it was. It sounds like a lot of hard work just to prove your point...

The idea behind the program, according to Katie, is to prove that "If someone sits on their sofa all day eating rubbish, they will quickly become overweight...I also want to show that anyone can get down to a normal size just by eating less and moving more". Whilst this documentary does sound positive and inspiring, to me it also sounds dangerous and like a health hazard.

Eating disorders is an issue that is ever growing, with the number of people being affected by them constantly on the rise. Eating disorders is not only about losing extreme weight but gaining it too. Airing a program that emphasizes just how easy it is to either lose or gain weight by leading a certain lifestyle could be majorly triggering to anyone, but especially young teenagers, who are more exposed to issues such as body dismorphia than any other age category.

The documentary is also filmed over a short period of time- making the amount of weight gained and then lost straight away even more dramatic, and even more unhealthy. Although our bodies are very clever machines, it is not always easy for them to cope with such rapid body changes, especially ones regarding weight- something that affects the whole health of your body. Furthermore, losing and gaining weight so quickly does come with other side effects such as fatigue, chafing of the skin, skin sores, hair loss and many more- all of which you can be sure will not be discussed in the documentary.

Katie has spoken out about the weight gain she has had to participate in, saying "I am ashamed to be this big...the way you feel when people stare" and has spoken out about being a "normal body size". These words may not be intentionally triggering but are definitely harmful. Pointing out the negative emotions you experience when you are overweight may make a viewer who is overweight/feels they are overweight feel even more self conscious about themselves and their health problems. And as for 'normal size', well, who is to decide what is and what isn't a 'normal size'? There is no one 'normal size'- your body shape and size is all dependent on genetics and bone structure. Your body's shape and size is unique and one of a kind. There is no 'normal'.

Whilst I can see the good intention behind the making of this program and the goals it is supposed to achieve, I think the producers have been a little narrow minded about who will be watching and what effects it could have. In my opinion, they have thought that the viewers will be overweight people- but haven't thought about people who are overweight due to health problems, both mental and physical, rather than people who are just 'lazy'. I don't believe they have thought about the advertisement of the program and what viewers that will bring in. "My journey to fat and back" implies the program will show you how to lose weight- and you can guarantee a large amount of insecure young adults will tune in to watch that, which could potentially lead them down a very serious path if they gain/lose weight at the rapid pace as is demonstrated in the program.

Rapid weight gain and loss is never a healthy change for your body. It is important to always live a healthy lifestyle, eating the right sized portions of the right kinds of food, whilst exercising regularly- even if that is just walking the dog once a day, everyday. I hope that this new documentary doesn't cause too much damage to people's health and that it displays the negatives to rapid weight loss/gain rather than telling people it is the 'right thing to do' to help them become a 'normal size'.

Love from,
Florence Grace

What do you think about Katie's rapid weight gain? Is this a sensible documentary? Leave a comment below or get in touch using one of the links in the side bar! 


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