Fitness with Florence Grace #1

So, here is my first update for fitness with Florence Grace...

Since Monday when I started, I have only managed to do my Tae Bo and 30 day shred level 1 circuit 1 routine for one day, which was Wednesday. However, on Tuesday I went for a very long, uphill walk, as well as a walk through some caves, and then on a bike ride in the evening (taking advantage of the extra light!), so I think that makes up for it a little!

(Let me just further explain my fitness routine...I did Tae Bo, and then injured myself doing the last two moves, which involves high kicks, so had to stop doing them. To make up for not doing the whole Tae Bo routine, I do circuit one from level one of the 30 day shred...I already saw my results improve in a shorter amount of time once I started doing the 3DS in addition, so I am happy with this routine!)

My food hasn't been particularly healthy or unhealthy, and my calories have been between 1,200 and 1,500 each day, which I am happy with, although I would like to keep to the lower end of that spectrum! I read about how bad carbs are for bloating and increasing the fat on your belly, so my next goal is to decrease my carb intake. This makes me cry a little, as they are my favourite food group! However, I have already started making this change, and today instead of having a sandwich for lunch, I had prawns...less calories and more filling, so it's a win win I think! Now to cut down on the rice...the pasta...the crisps...

I also read that fizzy drinks are especially bad for the stomach region, so I am definitely going to be reducing my intake of those. I usually drink water anyway, only drinking the odd coke when I'm out with friends, but now I will stick firmly with water.

I am going out for dinner with my friends tonight, so I may have a guilty splurge, BUT I shall try my hardest to be good! I will be working out afterwards!

My first weigh in and measuring is on Monday, and I hope to see some improvement! Fingers crossed hey. How have you all done so far? Let me know in the comments below, or keep track of people's progress using the hashtag #fitnesswithLFFG !

Love from,
Florence Grace


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