Fitness with Florence Grace #2

Today is the first weigh in and measure in for my fitness journey! I haven't worked out as much as I had wanted to this week, but I have been on a couple of bike rides, including one on Friday, and yesterday I spent the day in London and burnt a massive 682 calories just from walking! I have still been cutting out my carbs, but cutting out bread is the hardest thing for me- I love it so much!

So, I was a little anxious to see my results this morning...but I was pleasantly surprised! I lost half an inch from my waist, and my desired 2 lbs!

Here is a reminder of where I started last week...

Start Weight: 11st 4lbs

Waist Measurement: 33 inches

Goal Weight: 10 stone

How much I want to lose a week: 2 lbs

Here is where I am now...

Current Weight: 11 st 2 lbs

Current Waist Measurement: 32.5 inches.

Weight left to lose: 1 stone 2 lbs 

I am so happy with this progress, especially when I didn't work my hardest this week! I am excited to see how next weeks results compare when I know I can work twice as hard this week! I will be happy if I lose half an inch off of my tummy each week, that will help me to reach my goal weight very quickly! How have you all done this last week?

Love from, 
Florence Grace 


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