Fitness with Florence Grace #9 and #10!

Last week seemed to fly by, and I never got around to posting my fitness updates, so this week you have the last two weeks combined- sorry about that! 

The week two weeks, as it happens, have been terrible. I have stopped working out completely, with my only exercise being the occasional bike ride (three times, to be precise) and walking everywhere. My eating has been moderately okay with me usually reaching 1,300 calories max- however, I have had a quite a few calorific meals with my boyfriend, including take out pizza and a BBQ. 

So let's look at my statistics this week...

Start Weight: 11st 4lbs

Waist Measurement: 33 inches

Goal Weight: 10 stone

How much I want to lose a week: 2 lbs

And here is where I am now...

Current Weight: 11 st 4 lbs

Current Waist Measurement: 31.5 inches.

Weight left to lose: 1 stone 4 lbs

As you can see, both my weight and waist measurement has crept back up- this is through no ones fault but my own! (Although it is my T.O.M at the moment which we all know causes there is a little excuse!!) 

My feet are fully recovered now so I have restarted the 30 day shred again, although not strictly, as I find it very difficult. I plan on doing it every other day, and then Tae Bo on the alternate days. 

I have less than 4 weeks until I go away now, and I know in that time I will not get to my goal weight. However, if I can get to under 11 stone, I will be happy. Wish me luck!

How have you all done? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from, 
Florence Grace 


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