Things to do before 2016!

I genuinely cannot believe how fast this year has gone...summer seemed to disappear with the blink of an eye and now it's in the run up to Christmas and it will be 2016 before you know it!

I've had a spectacular year, better than I ever could have hoped for! I thought 2014 was going to be hard to beat and definitely deemed that the best year of my life...however, I feel 2015 may have just beaten it! I'm looking forward to seeing what other exciting opportunities 2015 has in store for me, but there's also a lot of things I want to make happen myself before the year is up!

1- Make some decent progress with my magazine journalism course. I started on Monday 5th September, so by December 31st I'd like to be almost half way through the course!

2- Start saving money to go towards a "moving out fund" now that I have not one, not two but three paid jobs!

3- Get Young Britannia's Twitter and Instagram followers to at least 1000, if not 2000!

4- Lose two stone!

5- Carve the Halloween pumpkin for the first time in my life!

6- Find a cheaper printer for my magazines.

7- Reach 200 blog followers.

8- Get back into a regular radio show routine.

9- Give a talk at either my old secondary school or college (maybe both!) about my career and what I'm doing.

10- Publish an AMAZING Issue 3 of Love from... magazine!

What do you want to do before 2016 rolls in? Let me know in the comments never know, you may inspire me to make additions to my own list!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Wow, such a great idea for a post! I think doing things like this are a great way of keeping me motivated and looking ahead to the future. One of my major goals is definitely to lose some weight but wow, 2 stone is going to be tough! Good luck with that!
    Megan x

    1. Thank you...It dawned on me how close we are to the end of the year and how much I have left that I want to achieve! Haha two is ambitious I will agree, and I'd be happy with 1...but if I can make 2 then I'll be chuffed! xx

  2. Wow, you've got some really great goals that you are working towards! I currently blog, write for other magazines and do some social media for a new accessories brand but I'd love to get paid for my work. Plus, I am passionate about magazine journalism - I want to do this as a career. Where do you study your course?

    Also, I'd love to check out your magazine. What is it called? Is it online?


  3. Just to add, how did you get your paid jobs? Getting paid jobs in the media seems so difficult to do...

    1. Thanks for your comments Chichi! Seems like we do a lot of similar work really!

      My course is done as a distance learning course, it's NCTJ Diploma, registered with College of Media and Publishing! My magazine isn't currently available online but you can find out more information about where to buy it/competitions/writing for us on Facebook and Twitter under "Love from magazine"

      My paid job took a lot of hard work and about 100000 applications haha!

  4. It's always good to set yourself some goals! All this sounds very exciting with your course and magazine on the go. I have similar goals like saving money, getting my own blog out there, and just generally enjoy life more! I cannot believe you have THREE PAID JOBS and run a lovely little blog on the side as well! You are truly impressive.

    P.S. Would you like to follow each other via google+? Just follow me and I will follow back!

    Grace xxx


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