January Reflections!

I had an unexpected evening free today and I also realised that it's the final day of January- the first month of 2017 is over already! How mad is that?! Anyway, I thought I'd like to do a reflections post on how my month has been so far, and I think this is something I'd like to try and do at the end of every month. It will be nice to look back on at the end of the year, don't you think? Looking back on it, January was actually a pretty great month for me! I've actually done so much and achieved so much (some of these I still can't talk about eeeek). First of all is my weight loss achievement. I think I am the slimmest, fittest and healthiest I have been since I was 14 which is really saying something and I'm really, really happy about that! I have been eating really well and I started Zumba which is so much fun. I also moved house, and it's quite a bit further away from my place of work which means I'm managing to get in a lot of extra steps ...