I can't make up my mind!

I am the worst at making decisions. I mean literally, the worst. 

Once I've made a decision, great! I stick to it, I'm rock solid on it and there's no wavering me. And it's odd, because in a lot of aspects of my life, I'm incredibly decisive. From a very young age I've known exactly who I am, what I want from life and what I want to achieve. Those were very easy decisions for me. 

But ask me what I want for dinner, where I want to go at the weekend to make the most of the sun or what TV show I want to watch and I'm stumped. 

I guess it's a good thing that I'm decisive about the things that count, right?

I recently relaunched my blog and announced that I was going to be focusing on four main categories - body positivity, self love, relationships and careers. However, after my recent holiday to Ibiza, and with three more holidays coming up over the next 10 months (and hopefully more!) I discovered that you guys really enjoyed my travel content. More surprising to me was that I wanted to make more travel content. 

Which left me stumped with a problem - because my blog has four niches, and five is definitely too many. Body positivity, self love and relationships all link, with careers being the odd one out, and whilst I do love writing about it, I don't write about it very often. 

So do I replace careers with travel? Travel allows me to talk about travelling with a partner, therefore fitting into relationships, and being 'beach body ready' and the likes, fitting into body positivity and self love. So even though I just relaunched, is it okay to already be making changes simply because I can't make up my mind?

And then I realised there was something else I posted about a lot.

Something I love a lot - food!

But that's easy to incorporate into body positivity and self love for obvious reasons, and of course if I were to delve into travel, it would be easy to incorporate food, too. I eat a lot and I like to eat well - I often Instagram my food so it only makes sense to try and link it into my blog content to create unified content across all my platforms. That was the aim of my rebrand and relaunch, after all.

That's it. 

This post has helped me to make up my mind (I think).

Scrapping careers and taking on travel instead. What do you guys think? When I ran a poll on Insta and Twitter the majority of people voted for travel content. Will you be sad if I let careers go or are you more excited to see travel content instead? 

I think this is going to be a very exciting new string to my b(l)ow(g). It will give me the chance to book more holidays and trips, in the UK as well as outside of it, and also will give me a massive opportunity to pick my camera up and kickstart my photography game again too. 

So Love from, Florence Grace - a platform focusing on Body Positivity, Self Love, Relationships and Travel. 

What do you think? 

Love from,
Florence Grace

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