Four Years of Love from, Florence Grace!

Four years is a long time, don't you think?

I'm nowhere near the same person I was four years ago. I'm not friends with the same people, I'm not dating the same person, I'm not in the same job. Everything is completely different, and when I look back on the last four years of my life, I can't help but to think about how everything would be even more different had I not started my little blog - four years ago to the day.

Four years ago, I was sat anxiously waiting for my A Level results, I was deciding if I was going to go to the university that accepted me or not, I was wondering if photography was really the career I wanted to pursue - in short, I was totally lost. Until I started my blog and began to create my own career. Blogging helped me to find my way, find myself and totally change my life and I find that totally mind blowing. 

I've been looking back through my Facebook page, right to my first year of blogging, and there's so many exciting things I have been able to do through my blog, and thanks to my blog - some of which I'd actually forgotten about! I became a published columnist within three months of starting my blog. I was headhunted to complete an internship with Closer magazine. I worked with Carat Media and won a Google Chrome Cast for my outstanding project skills. I have written for more websites than I can even count, I have trained to be a TV presenter with a BBC journalist, I have appeared on several 4Music TV shows, I've presented concerts and conferences, I've sat in the front row at a fashion show to document it for my blog. I met Gemma Cairney from Radio 1 and Kenny Campbell from the Metro, I set up my own mini stationery business, I landed myself several social media manager roles before turning it into a freelance career, launched my own magazine and finally landed myself a role back in radio again.

All of this stemming from my blog. All of these opportunities presenting themselves to me because I took a little corner of the internet, made it my own and said to people "hey, look what I can do". My blog has been proof of my talent, my skills. It's backed me up when I've told people what I'm good at. My blog has provided help to others, it's provided help for me. I absolutely adore it and can't even begin to imagine where I'd be without it - probably still working in a retail job I hated wondering what I was going to do with my life.

Four years ago today I stepped into a radio studio for the first time, sitting behind a mic and presenting my own show - finally taking a step towards my dream job. I kick started my blog and reignited my love of writing. From July 31st 2014 I have been working damn hard every single day to create the dream career for myself.

Now, four years later, I'm back working in radio which I absolutely love, I've turned my magazine into a monthly magazine and my writing has developed hugely from my first post (which you can read here). I've found my niche, I'm doing what I love and it's all thanks to my little blog. Love from, Florence Grace has become a brand and I am so pleased. It really feels like a dream come true. 

I love that four years ago, it started with a radio show, and that after some time away from it I managed to find my way back to radio - because, essentially, that's why I started my blog; to pursue my dream of being a presenter. It just so happens I found a lot of other things I was good at and enjoyed doing along the way.

I have no idea what's next for me. I want to develop Love from... magazine further, I really want to write a book and have had it down as a new year resolution for the last two years now (lol) and I would love to start a podcast soon too. I want to keep expanding my content creation services, I want to learn to DJ and of course, eventually, end up with my own radio show (or at least co hosting). That's the end goal.

But what do I know? Every year is totally different and always random opportunities I never expect and couldn't even dream of fall into my lap. I'm not going to plan anything - I know God has a plan for me and I'm going to put in the work whilst trusting the process!!

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me since day one - so much of what I do, and have done previously, would not have been possible without your continuous support, and I am always so grateful for that. Here's to another super successful year, hey?

Love from,
Florence Grace

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  1. Congratulations to you Florence!

    Blogging is such a wonderful thing and it can open opportunities for many people.




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