Love YOU Q and A's

Yesterday morning, I used Instagram's newest feature, the Question Sticker, to host a Q and A over the course of the next 24 hours about body positivity and boobs. This was in relation to a blog post that I published yesterday morning about boobs (you can read that here!) and how I learned to love mine, even though they aren't 'perfect' in the eyes of the world.
The Q and A was far more successful than I had anticipated and some of the questions I received were actually quite challenging - I definitely needed more than just an Instagram story to answer them, and so some of them I will actually be covering on my blog. However, it wasn't just the kinds of questions I was receiving that allowed me to measure the success of the Q and A, nor the quantity of questions either, but rather the feedback I received during the Q and A, and even now after it.
So many individuals, male and female, came to me with just the nicest things to say about how much I was helping them to feel better about their own body, how I was helping them on their self love journey and to become more body positive and so on, so on.
Honestly, feedback like this means the world to me and it couldn't make me happier. Obviously, all I want to do is help people to learn to love themselves and become more body positive!! It's all I ever talk about! So it got me thinking - maybe these Q and A's are something I should do more regularly? Of course, I posed this question to my followers on Instagram and got a resounding YES that I should be doing this more regularly, with the most popular suggestion being weekly.
Obviously, I was so happy people wanted to participate in body positivity and self love Q and A's with little old me on a weekly basis and I was more than happy to get this started off right away! So in order to do this, I now need to set some things in motion to make it all happen.
First things first, I've made an Instagram Story Highlight (my first ever one!) to record the first Q and A, so if you missed out, don't worry! You can go back and revisit it on my Instagram here.
Click that little pink circle on my Instagram profile to catch up on the first ever Q and A! |
Secondly, if it's going to be a mini project in itself, it needs a name. At the moment, I've named it Love YOU Q and A's. Love obviously links in with my brand and Love YOU works well with it being all about loving yourself, covering the topics of body positivity and self love. However, if you feel there's a better suited name for this, I'd love to hear it! I'm open to suggestions.
Thirdly, I need to decide on a day. Insta stories are live for 24 hours so it won't matter about work hours so much, as you'll be able to access the Q and A all day and all night - but is there a preferred day? I will be doing a Twitter Poll and asking on Facebook/Insta too, but please feel free to comment a preferred day below.
Lastly, I need to make a logo to use as the cover for my Q and A's! Send me all your fave logo designers and also any ideas! I'm thinking to keep it in line with my brand it's gotta be pink, white and incorporate a heart...
I have lots of ideas for this Q and A project, and can't wait to see how it pans out. Guest hosts, me asking YOU questions, different content ideas and so on. I'm really excited for this and glad that something I did on a whim has created the potential for something really exciting.
Did you enjoy the first Q and A? What would you like to see in future Q and A's? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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