Spilling the Tea With Francisca Rockey - Saving the world!

This week we're spilling the tea with blogger Francisca Rockey. So far, we've chatted about the blogosphere and taking a gap year. Today, we're talking all about the environment and how we can all do our part to save the world.

You describe yourself as an 'Environmentalist by day, blogger by night'. With that in mind, what do you think of the recent information shared that our planet may be totally unlivable in just 12 years time?

It's so sad to think that we have been damaging our planet for years and now we're close to an unlivable state, the government and big companies are finally trying to do something about it. If said governments and companies weren't going to be affected by the 1.5 degree increase in temperature then I doubt they would be intervening, but they're gaining something out of it, hence them wanting to prevent potentially losing business and tourism. I hope that hearing how little time we have to save our planet encourages people to make changes to their lifestyle.

As an environmentalist, what kind of actions do you take to preserve and protect the plant?
An environmentalist is a person who is concerned about protecting the environment. I am conscious of how my lifestyle impacts the environment. For example, even though I can drive, I often opt to use public transport or walk rather than driving everywhere. I use a reusable cup if I buy a drink from a cafe. Instead of chucking old clothes away, I bag them up for charity and send them to my local charity shop, or place them in a clear bag and pop them in a recycling bin so the materials can be reused. I'm far from perfect and there's a lot more I could be doing to preserve and protect the planet, but my actions will only make a small difference - if everyone played their part then we could force the change that needs to happen.

PSA - You can use plastic straws, disposable cups and plastic bags if you recycle/reuse them instead of chucking them in with regular waste.

What advice would you give to people who want to start making more of a change and 'do their part'? 
Track your habits for a week. How much plastic are you throwing away instead of recycling? How many ASOS orders are you making? Did you eat meat every day? Once you're aware of your habits, you can start tackling them. Wash your milk cartons out and put them in the recycling bin, do clothes swaps with friends or shop from your wardrobe instead of making multiple online purchases every week. Have a meat free day or a meat free week - if you can hack it, have a vegan day or week. It's really easy to just do your bit.

Part 4 of Spilling The Tea will be live tomorrow, and we'll be talking all about dating! It's gonna be a juicy one, so make sure you don't miss it! 

In the meantime, you can find Fran on Twitter at @franciscarockey and visit her blog at www.franciscarockey.co.uk

Love from,
Florence Grace

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