Spilling the Tea With Francisca Rockey - Being a young black woman in Britain

This week we’re spilling the tea with blogger Francisca Rockey. So far, we’ve chatted about the blogosphere, taking a last minute gap year, how we can work to save the world and dating. Today, in the final post of the series, we’re talking about being a young black woman in Britain - and guys, the tea is piping hot.
As a
young black woman, what are your thoughts on racism in Britain? Is it getting
better, worse?
Racism is prevalent in the UK. A lot of people
will say “Britain is the least racist nation” but it really isn’t. If you
genuinely think racism in Britain isn’t a thing then you’re either living under
a rock or you are racist. Racism isn’t just shouting slurs at someone, its
crossing the road when you see a black boy with their hood up walking towards
seeing a rise in black and mixed race celebrities, such as grime artists and
social influencers, with the likes of Stormzy, Oloni, Grace Victory and Kelechi
Okafor all using their platforms and voices to try and bring about change and
all being celebrated for it, yet racism is still rife on the streets. Do you
think they’re having an impact on how black people are being treated on a day
to day basis, or is it instead leading to a lot more cultural appropriation and
fetishisation of these black celebs?
I think black and mixed race celebrities and
social influencers are having a huge impact on how black people are being
treated and are helping to dismiss cultural appropriation and fetishization.
Kelechi regularly tweeting about the systematic racism towards black women and
how opportunity is taken away from us, Stormzy has been very vocal about police
brutality, knife crime and the Grenfell tower incident. All of these are things
that people are fully aware of and turn a blind eye to but when people with
such a huge following or social impact are openly discussing them, we are
forced to face the facts and acknowledge the issues within our communities.
It’s not just affecting me, your average Joe, its affecting everyone and that’s
what their power highlights.
struggles have you faced as a young black woman in Britain?
As a young black woman in Britain, I have faced
being stereotyped and sexualised. There’s a stereotype of black woman that we
are aggressive, angry and loud, I don’t fit the stereotype and because of that
I have been called a bounty, Malteser, white girl and all sorts of slurs that essentially
mean that I’m a white girl in a black girls body. I start by saying, I’m black.
It might come as a surprise to some of you but I’m blackitty, black, black. I
don’t conform to my stereotype and that doesn’t mean I’m not black,
I am Francisca Rockey and not a stereotype. I went to a predominately white
nursery, primary school, high school and sixth form, hence I have a lot of
white friends. I’ve been surrounded by them so why wouldn’t I be friends with
them? I have plenty of black friends too. I don’t braid my hair, wear weave or
a wig, I have my natural hair out but I’m not less black than black girls who
do have those hairstyles. People seem to have a stereotype of black people and when you
don’t match their view of us as “ghetto”, you’re labelled as being a “sell out”
or an “oreo”. I think people forget that no matter your race, you do not have
to conform to how your race is represented. I am well-spoken and yes, I listen to
“black music” and I also listen to “white music” and guess what? I’m still
Do you
think Donald Trump’s racist attitude and behaviours are impacting the views of
people in Britain?
Under Trump’s governance, America has become
such a backward developed country. I think Trump’s attitude and behaviour has
an enormous impact on the views of people in Britain. Trump believes immigrants
are the reason for almost all of America’s problems, but the truth is, America
is nothing without immigrants, just like Britain. The idea that immigration is
a problem was used as a strong push to get people to vote to leave the EU.
Imagine what Britain would be without
immigration? Of course they can’t let everyone live and work here but to say
it’s a problem creates a negative view of immigrants who are already living in
the UK. I’ve heard people say “immigrants are taking our jobs”… Now Dave, I don’t see you
going to study medicine for 5 years to become a Doctor, those immigrants have
and are qualified to do the job so they’re getting the job. I also hear
“immigrants are taking over” we all enjoy a curry from your local Indian or
Chinese - without said immigrants, all there’d be is fish and chips. Just to
ruin your evening, fish and chips isn’t a British delicacy either. Fried fish
was brought to Britain by Jewish immigrants from eastern Europe.
All in all, America belongs to the natives.
Remember it was colonised by white men, they took something that wasn’t
there’s. It never was and never will be a white country. Period.
no denying that there is still an issue between the police of Britain and black
people; namely their continual “random selections” for drug searches, car stops
and of course the way they treat black “criminals” in comparison to white ones.
Do you think this is an issue we will ever be able to resolve? How?
The way police in Britain treat black people in
comparison to white people is disgusting and the only way to resolve the issue
is for police to change their view of black people, particularly black men as
“thugs”, “roadmen” and “criminals”. While holding this view of them, they’re unable
to distinguish between the real criminals and a simple passer-by, their
inability to do so will only increase hatred towards the police. Are they here
to protect us or are they here to get rid of us by placing us in jail? I
particularly hate how a black person can commit the same crime as a white
person but if they claim that the white person has had a tough childhood and
sufferers from mental health issues, they get away with it. Who hasn’t had a
tough childhood? I don’t think any of our lives have been plain sailing and
everyone has suffered or will suffer mentally at one point in their life. What
makes white people so deserving of special treatment?
Who are
the black people you think we need to be listening to in order to make sure
we’re living in a society that’s equal and fair for all? Do we just need to
listen to all black people?
We should be listening to all black people. We
are no greater than our neighbour and what I have to say is no less than what
someone with a higher social impact, who’s older or a professional has to say.
When society decides to listen to all our voices and acknowledge the issues
that we are presenting them with then change can happen.
It's been a pleasure to spill the tea with Fran - she is so intelligent, genuine and honest, getting to hear her thoughts on some pretty current topics was so interesting. I hope you've all enjoyed my Spilling The Tea series, and if you'd like me to feature it again with someone else, let me know!
Just a reminder that you can find Fran on Twitter at @franciscarockey or visit her blog over at www.franciscarockey.co.uk
Love from,
Florence Grace
This is interesting to read. As a black woman I totally relate to (and agree with) this post, especially the bit about being stereotyped. I've been depicted as the angry and aggressive black woman, as well as being seen as an Oreo. Interestingly enough, I've experienced being stereotyped by white and black people.
The Cosmetic Notebook