Spilling the Tea With Francisca Rockey - Exploring the world of dating...

This week we’re spilling the tea with blogger Francisca Rockey. So far, we’ve chatted about the blogosphere, taking a last minute gap year and how we canwork to save the world. Today, in the penultimate post of the series, we’re talking about boys and the tricky world of dating… it’s time to spill alllll the tea!

It’s 2018 and now it seems almost impossible to meet someone who isn’t just ‘dtf’ and actually wants a meaningful relationship. What do you think about the dating scene?
The dating scene in 2018 is all about online dating sites. Tinder is the go-to dating site it seems and every other guy is after a quick beat and delete (loooool we love that saying!!!) but there are some gems amongst the f*ckboys.

Do you think the bar is set too low for men to please women?
We see so many tweets saying “omg my man held the door for me 10/10 king ilysm!!!” I saw a tweet the other day that said, “when your other half cleans and then cooks whilst you’re out at meetings” and I thought to myself, are we REALLY praising guys for doing things that they should be doing anyway. The bar is very low. It makes women with high standards seem as though they’re asking for too much when, they just want to be treated properly.

How do you think social media has played a part in modern day dating?
Influencers like Tammy Hembrow and Olivia Bowen appear to have the perfect relationships. Their partners show them off, shower them with gifts and holidays and everything seems smitten. But the reality is, no one shows the cracks of being in a relationship and I feel that a lot of young girls are getting into relationships with these expectations. If you’re 16 and in school, there’s no reason why you should have a LV bag. You aren’t even earning an LV bag wage.

What’s your opinion on cheating… is it ever an honest mistake that can be forgotten or is it always a total no-no?
Where do I even being? To put it lightly, it’s disgusting. There’s no way to justify cheating on someone you supposedly love because if you really loved them, you wouldn’t do something that if they potentially find out, would break their heart. I don’t think there’s any situation that would make it an “honest mistake”, things like that don’t just happen, its premediated. You’ve been thinking about sleeping with someone else or simply talking to another person in a way
that your partner would disapprove of and now you’ve got the opportunity, you’re taking it. Simple as. To my future boyfriend or husband, cheat on me and I’ll leave, simple. Even if kids are in the question, send me that child support money and get out my house.

What kind of man are you looking for? (If you’re looking at all!)
I am looking for a man and I don’t think I’m asking for much at all. I want a man that’s smart (can’t date a dumbass), tall (someone to reach the top cupboard in the kitchen), funny, sporty/outdoorsy (I need a hiking, running and gym partner), financially stable, nice teeth, nice hands (groomed fingers and toenails) and childish (someone I can be goofy with).

Part 5 - the final part of the series - will be live tomorrow and we will be discussing being a black woman in Britain. It's an important finale, so make sure you're here for it!

In the meantime, follow Fran on Twitter at @franciscarockey and visit her blog at www.franciscarockey.co.uk

Love from,
Florence Grace

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  1. Yes Francisca! Why are we really praising guys for the things that they SHOULD be doing anyway?

    And I agree: there's nothing wrong with women having high standards. I've always been judged for being 'picky and choosy' and having high standards when it comes to men, but I'd rather have high standards then settle for men who I know won't treat me properly.

    The Cosmetic Notebook


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