I've been nominated!!

What a wonderful surprise I had today...my new friend Hollie, who I have met through blogging, nominated me for an award- one that I had never heard of, the Liebster Award. Hollies blog can be found here http://holliegarner44.blogspot.co.uk/. I would highly recommend it if you love football, fashion or polka dots!

Through some research, I discovered this is not an award you can nominate yourself for- someone else has to nominate you, so you can imagine how lucky I feel to have been nominated myself. The main rules once you have been nominated are as follows:

  • Get nominated.
  • Link back the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the eleven questions provided by the person who nominated you.
  • Create eleven new questions for the people you choose to nominate (this is optional- you can keep the questions the same if you wish)
  • Nominate 5-20 people for the award. 
So here are the questions I have been asked to answer!

1) Who are your top three bloggers and why?

I am still fairly new to blogging so don't really know many but I really like Jemma's blog http://www.dorkface.co.uk/ , Beth's blog http://www.thebritishgirl.co.uk/ and of course my best girl Ell's blog http://smallbutl0ud.blogspot.co.uk/. Check them all out, they're all brilliant! 

2) What drives you?

My determination to succeed... and I guess money, ultimately! I want to have a comfortable life without any money worries, so I know I have to work hard to get into that position! 

3) What little things make you happy?

Someone paying me a compliment out of the blue, whether that be on something I've done or something I'm wearing...also cuddling in bed with my boyfriend, eating our favorite junk food and watching films. The simple things in life! 

4) What is your dream job/personal goal?

Easy! A Radio 1 presenter, either on the breakfast show or the chart show! I want to be like Reggie Yates or Fern Cotton! Maybe even one day have my own show...

5) Do you have a favorite food?

Yes- prawns!!! But I also love pasta, cheese and, odd as it sounds, bread. And noodles. And cool original doritos Carbs, carbs, carbs!

6) What is your favorite beauty brand?

If we are talking about nail varnishes, it has to be Barry M!! However, all the other make up I buy is Rimmel, so I guess that would be my favorite!

7) Favorite clothes shop?

Boohoo for dresses, but I get clothes from all over the place! Primark, RI, Topshop and New Look. (I'm no good at picking favorites in case you couldn't tell!) 

8) What would be your spirit animal and why?

A unicorn definitely. I believe in magical things, I love sparkles and glitter. Also, unicorns are always depicted as wise, trusting and helpful...I like to think I possess all of those qualities! 

9) Why did you start blogging?

Before, I had always used Tumblr as a 'blog'. Then, at a media seminar, I was advised to start one to 'create a voice' and to get my name out there. It really has helped too! I have had so many opportunities thrown at me because of my blog...this award being one of them! 

10) Have you changed much over the last two years? 

Definitely. I have grown up a lot. I have gained more self confidence and self belief. I have grown less naive in regards to spotting genuine people and who is taking advantage of me. I have definitely become more thick skinned too. And more independent! When I think about it, I really have changed a lot. 

11) If you could star in a TV series based on your life, what would it be? (Drama, sitcom etc...)

Oh, definitely a sitcom. Me and my sisters often have moments where we just look at each other and think "that is such a sitcom moment, someone should be filming our lives right now!". A mix of serious issues with a lot of comedy and some romance. 

So there you have it! The answers to my questions for the Liebster Award! I have chosen to keep my eleven questions the same for the people that I nominate. Here are my nominations:


Sorry it's such a small list...as I said, I'm still new to blogging, so don't know many yet!

Thanks again to the lovely Hollie for my nomination- these questions have been pretty fun to answer, so I hope my nominees enjoy them too! 

Love from, 
Florence Grace  


  1. Love it Flo,what a brilliant read and thank you for the lovely comments,you are so nice! xx

    1. Yay thank you Hollie! Awh well they are all true! xx


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