Opening the door to Autumn.

So as we start October, we feel the full effects of Autumn. The bizarre 'heat waves' we were given throughout September have quickly faded out and the colder weather, storms and fallen leaves and darker evenings have begun to make themselves at home. I, for one, love Autumn. Bonfire night, Halloween, the cosy clothes that provide a transition into winter and the beautiful coloured leaves. Need I say more? Anyway, to emphasize my love of Autumn, I have decided to complete 'The Autumn Tag' for my next blog post. Kick back with a hot chocolate, snuggle into your granny cardi and read away...!

Okay, we're talking coffee's- what's your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks/Costa/Cafe Nero etc.? 
It's actually a really sad fact that I talk about often- I don't like hot drinks at all so always miss out on the 'cute' seasonal latte's etc.! It always makes me sad because they always look so nice and have such lovely names but I just can't stand them!! However, my favourite Starbucks treat is a Strawberry and Cream frappucino! Always a must have for me.

Accessories- What do you opt for? Boots, scarves or gloves? 
I am truly awful in cold weather- I never wrap up well enough! I do however love little boots and in the last month have brought 3 pairs!! Little ankle boots are just so adorable and perfect for keeping a bit warmer after the summer and cool enough not to overheat during the transition to winter.

Music- What's your favourite music to listen to during Autumn? 
The only time I listen to seasonal music is Christmas and right in the heat of the summer! Spring and Autumn don't really have any specific songs...however at the moment I am hooked on Sam Smiths 'Not The Only One' and Marina and the Diamonds album 'The Family Jewels'.

Perfume- What's your favourite scent in the Autumn? 
I am loving three of the Victoria Secret scents at the moment- Pure Seduction, Love Spell and Passion Struck. Although they are only body sprays, they last for a good 6 hours without need for reapplication and they are so strong- I am always complimented when I wear them!

Candles- What scents will you be burning this season? 
I love the Christmassy Yankee Candles- but it's a bit early for those! Any sweet or spicy Yankee Candle works for me. The one's in the image below are perfect for Autumn I believe!

What do you love most about Autumn?
Oh goodness, where to start?! My birthday of course! And the obvious Bonfire Night, as I love sparklers, and Halloween. I also love the 'cosyness' of Autumn- the temperature isn't too freezing just yet, it's manageable. And the 'Autumn colours' are all so beautiful too!

Favourite Make-Up look? 
Smoky coloured eyes with a touch of shimmer or some extravagant eyeliner with bronze or berry red lips.

What are you looking forward to most about Autumn?
I have a few media events coming up so I am looking forward to attending those and moving up the media ladder in terms of my future career! I also start my new side job as a Mix 96 Street Star at the end of October which is exciting! And of course, my birthday! Although a little sorrowful it is my last birthday as a teenager...!

I hope you enjoyed this post and learning a few extra bits about me! Let me know what you love about Autumn by completing this post and tweeting me- @flomatthews_ I will read and promote whatever you do! Enjoy...and happy Autumn!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Love you choice in candles, Autumn has definitely got to be my favorite time of year for candles.

    Tasha xxx

  2. Thank you- those ones just smell so delicious! Yes, as much as I love Christmas and Summer, Autumn is great all season through!

    I shall check out your blog now, thank you for commenting!

    Florence Grace xxx

  3. Replies
    1. I do believe they're topshop- however, I do have some even cuter ones from Primark with little buckles! Aw thank you! XOXO


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