50 Facts About Me

I see so many posts floating around the bloggersphere where blogger's share a bit about the person that they are whilst tagging other blogger's and inviting them to participate too, so that everyone can get to know each other a bit more! To me, this is a really great way to network and make some new friends within the blogging world, so I have decided to start my own factual post- 50 facts about me, Florence Grace!

If you find yourself tagged at the end- or even if you aren't but want to participate regardless-  then please do join in with this tag! It will be a lot of fun if lots of different bloggers get involved! So, here goes...

  1. My favourite colour is pink- and some would say I am pink obsessed.
  2. Ditto glitter. If it's sparkly, it's mine. 
  3. I love unicorns and refuse to believe they don't exist.
  4. I am a total social media addict, much to the annoyance of my family and friends.
  5. I have been with my boyfriend since I was 14 years old (4 and a half years!)
  6. I am a bit of a jewellery horder...
  7. ...and bric a brac.
  8. I love occasions that allow me to dress up with heels, fancy make up etc. etc. 
  9. I think Barbie is a goddess.
  10. I love My Little Pony and sleep with a MLP cuddly toy.
  11. Sloths are my favourite animal.
  12. I have met my heroin Jacqueline Wilson a grand total of three times.
  13. I am addicted to Coca Cola.
  14. My favourite drink however is Strawberry Frappucino from Starbucks!
  15. I am obsessed with Tom Hanks. Not because I think he's hot or anything but because I just love him...I wish he was my uncle or something, he's just great. 
  16. Amsterdam is my favourite place in the world (although I haven't seen much of the world, but still)
  17. I consider myself to have three different families, which is quite a lot. 
  18. I am allergic to nuts but have accidentally eaten nuts on numerous occasions.
  19. I have eczema AND asthma so basically life sucks all year long.
  20. I have always loved writing and being creative.
  21. I have a lot of clothes but I'm not sure when/where I brought them...
  22. I wish I lived in Barbie's dream house.
  23. I own three tiaras.
  24. I can eat for England.
  25. I used to do Judo and have 4 medals and 2 trophies...despite it being a form of exercise, I was actually half decent at it!
  26. I own nearly 100 nail varnishes and paint my nails every day.
  27. I met Marina from Marina and the Diamonds and cried for 20 minutes afterwards...
  28. I work in retail and am a queen at colour blocking.
  29. I never thought my blog would be successful and didn't think anyone would have any interest in my writing. 
  30. I am a feminist- as all people should be. 
  31. I am a trained TV presenter and have my own mini show reel. 
  32. I am overly sarcastic all of the time.
  33. I can't stand being copied- imitation is not the highest form of flattery.
  34. I have my own radio show, "Friday's with Florence Grace". 
  35. There was a time in my life where I had nearly 50 different nicknames.
  36. I can play the guitar, bass guitar, percussion and trumpet. 
  37. My life goal is to visit Fiji...I don't know why but it just looks perfect.
  38. The only Apple product I really like is the iPod.
  39. I prefer film camera's to digital ones. 
  40. I can find a song within seconds in my mind that matches the scenario I am living at that exact moment in time...if that makes sense...
  41. I don't find Brad Pitt or George Clooney attractive.
  42. My favourite film is Forrest Gump. 
  43. I am scared of the sea but find it so beautiful.
  44. I love buying quirky lamps and strings of fairylights.
  45. I am addicted to stationary- Paperchase is my favourite shop.
  46. I have only been to two foreign countries in my 19 years of life.
  47. I have a place at LSB University but can't decide whether to go or not.
  48. I can't lie without erupting into giggles and confessing the lie straight away...even in really serious situations.
  49. I am insanely ticklish.
  50. I have a really short temper...watch out! 
So there we have it! 50 random facts about the face behind the blog... I have chosen the following bloggers to (hopefully) participate! 


Even if you aren't tagged, please feel free to join in! When your post is done, tweet it to me using the hashtag #LFFG50Facts, post it on my facebook page or link it in the comments below! I hope you'll all join in so I can get to know you all a bit better! 

Love from, 
Florence Grace

What facts of mine match with yours? Let me know in the comments below! 


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