Meet the woman who's proud she's not a feminist.

Before you read my blog post, you may want some background information as to what I am writing about...please click here to read the article before reading my post.

So let's get started shall we. Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, the woman proud not to be a feminist. Why? "Because I've never really faced inequality". Wow, Kaley. Good for you. Being a feminist is obviously only allowed if it is directly affecting you.


Feminism is- or should be- a global movement, helping women all over the world. If you're a woman who has absolutely never faced inequality in your life- and I should imagine there's very few of you- then you're are one of the lucky ones. I am so happy for you. But is it really okay to turn around and say you aren't a feminist because of that? You've never been affected by inequality, fine. But how can you turn your backs on the women who have? The women who face it every single day of their lives. Women who work for free, the gender pay gap. Women who are sold at the age of 12 to men more than twice their age purely for sexual purposes- for the man's pleasure. Women who are beaten by their male partners, women who are forbidden from doing things that men can. Even something as simple as the women who are catcalled at every day of the week by men who feel it is okay to objectify them. How can you turn your back on all of these women just because none of it happens to you?

Feminism isn't about being selfish, it's about wanting equality for all women. If you feel you have that in your life, congratulations. Again, you are one of the lucky few. So if you are equal to all the males you meet, maybe you should use that power to get them to treat all women the way they treat you. Kaley, if you feel you are equal to every man you meet and have never suffered equality, that could be so powerful when tied in to your high celebrity status. Maybe you could try to encourage men to treat all women the way they apparently treat you- equally.

Whether it is intended or not, Kaley seems to have a high disregard for the feminist movement because "the work that paved the way for women happened before I was around". I find this statement incredulous. Yes, agreed, a lot of the work happened before you were around. However, a lot of that work is still ongoing. We do not have world equality. Women and men are not equal and therefore the hard work is still ongoing. Yes, things have improved for women, but we aren't there yet. To consider yourself not a feminist because all of the hard work was done before you were around seems absolutely ridiculous to me.

I myself don't understand how anyone can not support feminism, or call themselves a feminist. The issue of inequality of the sexes is a battle many women have to face every single day. Kaley, whilst you may be satisfied "serving" your man after earning $1million per episode of "The Big Bang Theory", other women are not so fortunate as you. Right now, there are women- let me rephrase, girls as young as 12, being sold to men twice their age, getting raped, getting pregnant and often dying due to the strain their body is put under.

There are women in the UK working for free because the gender pay gap is so large. 52 days women worked for free this year. You remember that as your millions roll in for doing, actually, not a lot.

There are women being beaten, in every country over the world, because they didn't make their husband's a hot meal, because they didn't tidy the house, make the baby stop crying, or just because their partner felt like it. You remember that as you cook for your husband five night's a week.

Kaley, I am not bitter about your satisfaction with your life. In fact, I am happy that there is a woman who feels she does not suffer from inequality- that is so positive in today's world. But I can not stand by and read that you are not a feminist because it doesn't affect you and say nothing about what a selfish attitude that is to have. Feminism isn't about being a housewife. It's not about whether you're happy because the choice in life you have made is to "serve" your husband. There's nothing wrong with that choice. It is your choice to make. No, feminism is about the social, political and economical equality of the sexes.

I urge Kaley, and anyone who feels the way she does, to rethink. If you don't consider yourself a feminist, why? Why don't you want all women to lead a life as easy as a man's? Why don't you want women to be paid the same as males, treated with the same respect as male's, given the same freedom as males? Just because you feel feminism doesn't directly affect you (although I assure you, it does), doesn't mean you should not be one. Be a feminist for all the women, all over the world, who are not as fortunate as you.

Kaley, that includes you too.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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