To the people I shall leave behind in 2015


Well. 'To' a lot of people really. Old friends, family, people I never really liked or got on with. There is a whole variety of people that I will not be keeping with me once the New Year rolls around. It's a sad thing to think about, and it hurts a lot to think about all of the people who have intimidated me, bullied me, betrayed me or even just distanced themselves from me through no fault of my or their own.

To the family members, you have hurt me deeply. They say blood is thicker than water but a blood tie with you means nothing to me. My real family members know who they are and I value them more than anyone else.

You have hurt me deeply. Family are supposed to love each other, look after each other. With only your selfish, inconsiderate ways in mind, you have not only hurt me but my siblings too. Although it hurts us to admit it, we will all be happy to leave you behind.

I hope you will not treat your other family members the way you have treated me and my family. I hope you will learn from the mistakes you made with us and will have more success with your other family members. Maybe in years to come, we can make amends. But for now, it's a permanent departure from me.

To the people I never really liked or were never even friends with at all- most of you have continued to harass me over the last year. There has been nastiness, backstabbing and cruel words spread all over various social media platforms, behind my back and to my friends- who of course, came straight to me. My only question is, why? If we have never been friends, do not know each other or have a mutual dislike for each other, why are you letting my life have an effect on you and what you do? Why are you spending your time watching my every move and then criticising it?

I feel very sorry for you. What a boring life you must lead if your only source of humour is from me and what I am doing with my life. I hope you manage to find a better way to spend your days, because life is short and there are far more exciting things for you to be doing rather than keeping a close eye on my every move, your sharp tongues ready to try and break me down. I sincerely hope that 2015 is a more exciting year for you.

And to the friends I have lost, well, this is the hardest- mainly because most of the friendships have been lost due to lack of effort from the both of us. I still care for all of you as I did before- my feeling's haven't changed. Even if you feel I don't care, you're wrong. I am a busy person and hardly have a free day in my week- I know all of you are much the same. You would think social media would help friendships to continue but I have found that it does not. In some cases it can even destroy them.

I hope we will get back in touch in 2015. I will try to make more of an effort, I hope you will do too. It would be nice to catch up on things after being distanced for so long. If not, then I wish you all the best in the future. You're all wonderful people and you all deserve the best things in life.

I am not a nasty person, nor a bitter one. Even the people I no longer feel anything for deserve a wonderful year, and I hope you all have one. Work hard for your dreams and achieve all you can. Clear your mind and allow yourself a fresh start. A fabulous 2015 is deserved by all.

Love from,
Florence Grace

If you feel personally affected by this post, please email me only at so that we may discuss whatever the issue is. However, I hope this post only brings about positivity for whatever relationship we have/once had and for the new year.


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