Manner's...or rather, a lack of them.

My parent's raised me to be a very polite child, as they did with both of my sisters too. We always say please and thank you, we walk single file on the paths and step off of curbs to let people pass, we hold open doors and we wait patiently in queues.

But all of this is just common sense isn't it?

Well, you would like to think so, wouldn't you. However, over the last few years I have noticed a dramatic increase in the lack of manners that people seem to possess. All too frequently I find myself holding open a door without a simple 'thanks', or moving out of someone's way only to have a stream of 7,582 people storm past me whilst I stand patiently waiting for the moment that I can continue on with my own journey.

To be frank, I'm quite fed up of it now. Can it be that so many other people in the world were not raised so well by their parents, and were not taught these basic, simple manners? Or is it that they have simply been lost along the way? Whatever the reason, it's a certainty that we need to retrieve them.

All too often the thought has crossed my mind "Well, if no one is going to act polite to me I shall act just as rudely towards them". I'm always stopped though. Stopped by the realisation that I don't want to be like all these impolite beings. That's not how I was raised and it's not a behavior I feel comfortable with. Part of me feels this is why we have so many rude people- one rude person annoyed someone polite like myself, and they decided to give up on their own manners. And then it happened again, and again and again and gradually the number of bad-mannered people became larger than the number of well-mannered people.

Another factor could be that in Britain, we're all just so busy. Constantly rushing around, looking at our watches in frustration and tapping our foot impatiently just trying to speed ahead to wherever it is we need to be. In the midst of all the zooming around, we seem to forget the most basic thing- manners. Too focused on where we want to be and where we are now, trying to fight against seemingly endless seas of people to be the first to cross over at the traffic lights, we forget to move out of an elderly person's way, we carelessly smash our flailing limbs into the faces of children and forget to smile, or even just nod our heads in appreciation for the stranger who stopped their car to let us cross the road at an un-designated spot because we were too rushed to make our way to a real crossing.

Whatever the reason it is, manners really shouldn't be forgotten. They take up very little time in your day and, as the saying goes, they don't cost a penny. Best of all, you could really make someone else's day just by considering them for a few seconds of your own. Smile, be polite and consider others. If we all remembered our manners when we ventured out of the house and into the big, wide world, it would make every day a little bit brighter and the world would be a much friendly, happier place.

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I've found this so much lately and it drives me mad. Being polite costs nothing and there's no need for rudeness! I always just smile and say 'you're welcome' if someone ignores me, this generally makes them think and I often get a 'Oh sorry!'. I think people have just gotten in to the habit! I went to London recently and it was horrendous and after a few days I was glad to get back to my hometown where people are marginally better!

    1. Ah yes, I do exactly the same thing with the sarcastic "You're welcome!". I just don't understand how people don't have the time to say a simple thank you! Yes, I was in London earlier this week and people's manners were appalling! I am glad I am not the only one who is finding this!

  2. I know exactly how you feel! I'm forever holding open doors or stopping lifts from shutting to let other people in etc. and rarely anyone ever says thank you! It really gets on my nerves! Jade xx

    1. Yes, it's so irritating isn't it! People can just be so rude! xx

  3. The lack of manners when I commuted in London could be appalling. I always stepped aside to let people off the trains and Tube before attempting to enter. And I always let those I knew were waiting longer on ahead of me. So, of course, I always had people (quite often young men in expensive suits) cut in front of me. Once I noticed one who was really chomping at the bit, and I knew a young woman had been waiting even longer than I had. I intentionally blocked his way with my bag, commenting on how she had been there first. He practically shoved me out of the way to get on. And I was pregnant at the time! But to be fair, I also encountered some very polite and helpful people. It's just that the rude ones are more visible. Don't stoop to their level. It's not worth it.

    1. I can relate to every single one of those experiences! The manners of some people in London are absolutely shocking! Yes, I shall try not to! Thanks for reading!


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