Love From Florence Grace- the radio show!

A little bit of shameless self-promotion never hurt anyone...

I want to tell my wonderful readers about a very exciting opportunity in my life right now! As of January 2015, I will be hosting my own radio show! At present, it is going to be called "The Florence Grace Show" but I am still working on names (have any suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment below or get in touch using the links on my page!)

The show will air on Blink FM every Friday from 3-5pm, and I am hoping to have someone exciting in once a month for an interview- I already have my first interviewee confirmed and I am just awaiting on a date!

For anyone who has read my "About" page, you will know that being a radio presenter is my dream job, and so I am really excited about this! However, I would like one thing from my readers and followers- ideas! So if there's a particular structure you think would work for my show, a name for the show, games to do or songs to play then please do get in touch with me. You can find me on Twitter, Facebook or email me at

I am also looking for promoters to promote my show!! In return, I would host an advert for your blog/vlog/business on my own blog for FREE. If you are interested in helping me with this, again, please get in touch with me.

I'm hoping this show will be fabulous and super exciting for both me and for my listeners too! Support from all of my readers and followers would be so appreciated, so I really hope some of you will get in touch and will tune in in the new year- it would really mean the world to me!

I'll keep updating you all as time goes on.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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