
Showing posts from April, 2015

Fitness with Florence Grace #4

So another week has passed us by already- crazy, right?! I must confess this week, Tae Bo happened...well, just once. I know, I know, I'm awful. It's the Slender Tone belt! I can tone up whilst watching movies, tidying my room, blogging...anything! I have still been walking here, there and everywhere and have been on a bike ride this week, but I need to get back into my Tae Bo routine! My eating has been fine all week, with me reaching 1,200 calories everyday, sometimes working out less than that dependent on the exercise that I have done that day. Yesterday was a bit of a bad day as I had a picnic style lunch, and I can't control my portions well when there's finger food! For dinner, I had pizza, but portion control came into play and I had one slice instead of two! So, here are my original statistics from 4 weeks ago... Start Weight:  11st 4lbs Waist Measurement:  33 inches Goal Weight:  10 stone How much I want to lose a week:  2 lbs And here is where I...

Feminism and me.

Feminist. A word that over the last three years or so seems to have been flung around here, there and everywhere more often than ever before. From being a fashion statement to an attempted "insult", we have definitely been made more aware of feminism. However, the definition has been completely misconstrued, warped and twisted beyond recognition, with the term being surrounded by such negative connotations that many people are actually happy to deem themselves not  a feminist, and unwilling to support feminism! By definition, feminism is "the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes". According to the recorded clip in Beyonce's 'Flawless', a feminist is "the person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes". In other words, being a feminist, and feminism itself, is purely about equality between the sexes on all levels . It is not about women being better than men. It is ...

Fitness with Florence Grace #3

S o this week, mother nature has intervened, and I have unfortunately given in to sweet cravings and lack of exercising due to pains and tiredness... so because of this, I decided not to measure or weigh myself. Apparently you're only meant to do it every two weeks anyway, as it fluctuates a lot in women...if anyone could confirm this for me, that would be appreciated!  So here's a quick reminder of where I started, two weeks ago... Start Weight:  11st 4lbs Waist Measurement:  33 inches Goal Weight:  10 stone How much I want to lose a week:  2 lbs Here is where I am now... Current Weight:  11 st 2 lbs Current Waist Measurement:  32.5 inches. Weight left to lose:  1 stone 2 lbs  This week I have been under my calories most day, but I have had to finish off lots of my easter chocolate as it is beginning to melt in these random mini heat waves we have been having! I've been doing my tae bo, and I have also started to use a slende...

I'll take the bitchy look sundae, with an extra scoop of drama and a sprinkle of rumors to go...

Girls. Why can't we just get along? I can't remember a time in my life where I haven't witnessed, been mixed up in or been a shoulder to cry on for someone who's been mixed up in a messy friendship gone wrong. It seems to happen all to often, and whereas with boys, everything is over with and forgotten about once a few punches have been thrown, girls will drag an issue out for as long as they can, twisting it up, becoming more spiteful and worsening the situation in any way that they can the longer the problem goes on for. Why do we do this to each other?! I can guarantee that most of you reading this now will have been involved in some form of friendship drama or another at least once in your life. We all know how painful it can be, how difficult it can make things at school or at work, so why do we still not know any better? Why do we still find a thrill in feeding off the latest drama, getting all the gossip and participating in someone else's business, usu...

Express yourself or have your education- which one will you choose?

I'm hoping that the title of this post is preparing you for the ridiculous scenario that I am about to write about. I hope you're sat there thinking "who the hell has to choose between expressing themselves and their education? Everyone gets an education, surely". Well, that may not be the case anymore. Please, read on. I hope this provides you with laughs and I hope many teachers read this and alter their opinion on the strict uniform rules their school has set in place. I am always keen to fight against people who tell me what to do regarding my appearance. At secondary school I was constantly pulled up for having painted nails, wearing flower accessories in my hair and forever having my jewellery taken off of me- only for me to come in wearing something else the next day! I was determined to show my school that my education and learning was more important than how I looked, and that whilst they deemed my accessories a distraction, until a fellow pupil came to me ...

Fitness with Florence Grace #2

Today is the first weigh in and measure in for my fitness journey! I haven't worked out as much as I had wanted to this week, but I have been on a couple of bike rides, including one on Friday, and yesterday I spent the day in London and burnt a massive 682 calories just from walking! I have still been cutting out my carbs, but cutting out bread is the hardest thing for me- I love it so much! So, I was a little anxious to see my results this morning...but I was pleasantly surprised! I lost half an inch from my waist, and my desired 2 lbs! Here is a reminder of where I started last week... Start Weight:  11st 4lbs Waist Measurement:  33 inches Goal Weight:  10 stone How much I want to lose a week:  2 lbs Here is where I am now... Current Weight:  11 st 2 lbs Current Waist Measurement:  32.5 inches. Weight left to lose:  1 stone 2 lbs  I am so happy with this progress, especially when I didn't work my hardest this week! I am exc...

Fitness with Florence Grace #1

So, here is my first update for fitness with Florence Grace... Since Monday when I started, I have only managed to do my Tae Bo and 30 day shred level 1 circuit 1 routine for one day, which was Wednesday. However, on Tuesday I went for a very long, uphill walk, as well as a walk through some caves, and then on a bike ride in the evening (taking advantage of the extra light!), so I think that makes up for it a little! (Let me just further explain my fitness routine...I did Tae Bo, and then injured myself doing the last two moves, which involves high kicks, so had to stop doing them. To make up for not doing the whole Tae Bo routine, I do circuit one from level one of the 30 day shred...I already saw my results improve in a shorter amount of time once I started doing the 3DS in addition, so I am happy with this routine!) My food hasn't been particularly healthy or unhealthy, and my calories have been between 1,200 and 1,500 each day, which I am happy with, although I would like...

Fitness with Florence Grace

Those of you who know me or follow my social media sites will be aware that my body shape, health and weight is something I battle with on a daily basis. Sometimes I love my body, sometimes I hate it. I have been watching my mum's fitness journey for the last 9 months and watched her drop 3 or 4 dress sizes and gain a nice, flat tum...if that's not something to motivate me, I don't know what is! At the start of the year, I participated in the #TakeBackWhatsYours challenge, and decided I wanted to take back my health. Whilst it kills me to think of the weight I could have lost between January and now, it's better to start late than not at all. I am going on holiday at the start of July so have 3 months to reach my goal weight. I have decided to document my fitness journey on my blog as a means of motivating myself, and hopefully helping and motivating others. Disclaimer: by no means am I a professional, so everything I talk about is purely things that I have found help...

Death Row and criminal punishments: The Debate

Some may call me small minded, naive or just plain evil, but I have always believed that the death penalty and the infamous Death Row were something that should be introduced in the UK. I firmly believed if you sexually abused anyone, especially children, abducted someone or took someones life, you deserved not to live a life of your own. Of course, there is the strong opposing argument: we teach people that killing (along with various other crimes) is wrong by killing them- an action that is deemed illegal. Pretty nonsensical really. When I get involved in debates regarding the death penalty and Death Row, my mind is often torn when trying to reach a conclusion. Is sitting in a cell, with three meals a day and time to do luxurious things such as play pool and watch TV, really punishment enough for a criminal? Is rehabilitation really the way forward and does it really work? Or is Death Row the way forward? I can never settle 100% on one answer. On April 3rd 2015, my opinions were...