Fitness with Florence Grace #4

So another week has passed us by already- crazy, right?! I must confess this week, Tae Bo happened...well, just once. I know, I know, I'm awful. It's the Slender Tone belt! I can tone up whilst watching movies, tidying my room, blogging...anything! I have still been walking here, there and everywhere and have been on a bike ride this week, but I need to get back into my Tae Bo routine! My eating has been fine all week, with me reaching 1,200 calories everyday, sometimes working out less than that dependent on the exercise that I have done that day. Yesterday was a bit of a bad day as I had a picnic style lunch, and I can't control my portions well when there's finger food! For dinner, I had pizza, but portion control came into play and I had one slice instead of two! So, here are my original statistics from 4 weeks ago... Start Weight: 11st 4lbs Waist Measurement: 33 inches Goal Weight: 10 stone How much I want to lose a week: 2 lbs And here is where I...