The importance of female friends

I was always the girl who said she got on better with boys than girls. And back then, it was true. My friendship with girls was always very fickle- I had a new best friend almost every six months or so! But my friendships with boys always lasted years, I was always friends with the same boys throughout my entire school life pretty much. There’s even some boys from primary school I’m friends with now! I can’t say the same for girls.

When I went to an all girls secondary school, I decided now, more than ever, that I got on better with boys. I just didn’t fit in with girls the way I did with boys. I didn’t know how to do my hair or makeup, I didn’t wear the right clothes, I wasn’t pretty or skinny, rich or popular- all things that girls seem to care about in a friend and boys don’t. While I did have female friends, all of my closest friends, including my very best friend, were boys from the all boys school across the road.

Now that I’m older, things have changed slightly. I don’t know if it’s because I changed, or just because I met ‘better’ girls, but I started to get on better with girls than boys. While I was still drawn to having male best friends (Ben and Alec I’m looking at you!), I was drawn to having female ones too, and now have a nice mix.

Since making more close female friends, I’ve come to realise just how important female friendships are. When I was younger, more insecure in myself, other girls were always competition. Now that I’m older, wiser and a ‘woman’, I see this simply isn’t the case. The women in my life help to make me who I am. They lift me up and help me to rise, they encourage my growth and support me in all that I do- and, of course, I do the same for them.

I was encouraged to write this post after I stumbled across a post by The Indie Byline about female friendships. One quote in particular stood out to me; “...female friendships are so important. I don’t believe you can really tap into your womanhood without other women in your hood, around you to vibe with, flow through or grow with”. And it’s true! You do need other women to help you tap into your womanhood, to help you to grow. I don’t think enough girls remember this- I certainly didn’t.

Appreciate the women in your life, both friends and members of your family. Real women want to support other women, not tear them down and compete with them. Make sure you have the right women in your life to create your own tribe and watch how they help you transform.

Tap into your womanhood with other women, like The Indie Byline suggests. Then sit back and watch the magic happen. Girl Power is very real and it’s something we all need. Don’t hide from it; embrace it and learn to love the women around you.

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Florence girl, this was such a great read! I'm so happy that you met and connected with a tribe of women of your very own. It is such a powerful awakening and I'm glad you've found out the same lessons about women that I have. We need each other to survive in this thing called life. Like you said, the right women will leave you feeling empowered and uplifted. I'm glad that I could inspire you and I'm so happy I've found your blog!

    1. Thank you so much, Sheridan! I am so glad you enjoyed it! I couldn't agree with you more, women definitely need other women! Thank you so much for inspiring me , both to realise how important it is to surround yourself with good women and to write this post!

  2. I love this post. I went to two girls schools and I often found it hard to get on with other girls because they were typical mean girls, plus I had the same issue at university when I used to live with a group of girls. Luckily, I've got a small group of female friends who uplift me, empower me and encourage me to be the best person I can be.


    1. Thank you, Chichi! I feel me and you have had such incredibly similar life experiences- we always have almost identical views on everything! :) I'm so glad you're now surrounded by women who enhance your life in the best way!

  3. This is a fab post lovely! I definitely agree its best to have a mix, and I feel as an adult I get on with girls a lot easier than i did when I was in school x

    Abi | abistreetx

    1. Thank you so much! I think it must be an age thing, girls don't get on with girls but women get on with women! x

  4. I love this post so much! I was always that girl too but now there are so many amazing women in my life, I wonder what I ever did without them! <3

    1. Thank you so much! I couldn't agree with you more! xx


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