Being a Communications Officer

When I started my new job as a Communications Officer, I got a lot of questions about what my new role actually was and the kinds of things it entailed. Justine from Girl Gone Dreamer asked if I would do a blog post on the subject- and so here it is, better late than never! So, what does a Communications Officer actually do?

Handle Social Media
Anyone who knows me will know how much I adore social media, so I was thrilled when I found out that a huge portion of my job role was to handle the company’s social media. I help to run the Twitter and Facebook account and soon might even be looking into doing some YouTube work too. I take a lot of joy in doing this and always get so excited whenever somebody tweets us, because then I get to tweet back! 

Internal Communications
I have been told by my colleagues that internal comms are my strength, which I was thrilled to hear, given that I’ve never done them before! I would say internal comms is definitely the main bulk of my job- I write endless news bulletins, which I absolutely love doing, I create content for the newsletter, I liase with staff about events they might be doing or fundraising they might be participating in (we are a very charitable company, there’s always fundraising going on with someone!) so I can write about it to raise awareness and eventually I’ll be working on creating campaigns too.

Media Enquiries
Yesterday I dealt with my first ever media enquiry! Boy, oh boy are they harder than they look! Writing a press release is actually far more complex than I ever imagined- I assumed you just wrote a brief paragraph or two on the relevant topic and then sent it to the right people but how wrong was I! There is so much more to it than that and I am definitely still learning.

Putting on Events
Event management is not really something I expected to be doing as a Communications Officer, but it’s actually quite a big part of what I do! Hosting events for both members of staff and members of the public, the events could be charity fundraising events or more serious meetings. At the moment, I’m in the process of organising a conference for 200 people! It’s brand new to me and definitely a challenge but one that I’m enjoying!

So as you can see my role is very exciting, very busy and also very varied! No two days are the same and there is always something different to do, which is good- it means I don’t get bored!

Being a Communications Officer is a role I didn’t even know existed or would have even considered, but I’m so glad I stumbled across the role because I absolutely love it!

What’s your dream job? Have you already landed it? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace 


  1. Being a Communications Officer sounds like the perfect role for you, and that's great! I work in digital media as a freelancer and I can definitely say that it's the right career path for me! :)


    1. It definitely is! Your job sounds like something I'd love to do too! I'm glad you're loving what you do x


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