Men and Women: An insight into the mind of John Marsh*

Many of you will already know that I am a firm feminist. No, not a man hater. I'm not against cooking or cleaning or being looked after by a man. I simply believe in the pure equality of both men and women in all circumstances. So, you can imagine my disbelief when I met a young man who disagreed with every single one of my views.

I'm not a close minded person- I am always up to have discussions and debates on interesting topics with people who have opposing opinions to mine. Usually, the debates can be quite interesting. I have had many debates with a certain young man, John Marsh, and we make sure to have a debate on one topic or another on a weekly basis. Our debates have become so interesting that, with his permission, I have decided to document them for you all to read and think about. The first of these documentations is his opinion on Men and Women in society. So, sit back, relax and prepare yourself for what may (or may not) be some shocking opinions...

Women need to be tamed.
Me: I will be mouthy if I have to be. I will back chat and fight back, be sarcastic and full of banter. If you annoy me, you're going to damn well hear about it. I'm not going to let you walk all over me, that's not me. Any man who can't accept that is not for me. 

John: Women need a man that's going to tame them. If you're with a man who let's you behave the way you just described, he's a butterfly, a marshmallow. All girls pretend they don't, but they want a bad boy, someone who'll push them about, tell them what to do but love them like no one else. Someone who wants to dominate them. A boss. 

Women can't earn more than a man.
Me: I don't care who earns the most in my family. As long as someone is earning money and the children we have, if any, are being looked after, it doesn't matter who's making what money. I really couldn't care less! 

John: No woman is going to be earning more than me. If she gets a job that pays more than me, I'm gonna find a way to earn more than her. The man is always the main breadwinner of a family, no doubt about that. No woman will earn more than me, it just won't happen. 

The family isn't the woman's, it's mine.
Me: The family is both of the parent's, but if you were holding me at gun point, I would say it's the womans. She grows the children inside of her, she gives birth to them and, usually, she is the main raiser of the children. Ultimately, I would say the family belongs to a woman. 

John: The family belongs to the man. He is the man of the family. The protector, the provider, the strong one, the breadwinner. The man does everything. Until a woman does everything a man does, a man owns the family he is a part of. 

I can date multiple women simultaneously until I find the right one.
Me: If you're dating me, you're dating me. I don't care if we don't last forever, but there's no way I won't be someones first and only priority. That's not cool. 

John: I have so many girls on the go. I won't just settle for one girl until I know that she's the one I want to settle down with. What's the point? I'm young, I can still have fun. you can see, just a few conflicting ideas on the roles of men and women in modern day situations! I was shocked by each of John's opposing views, but openly listened to them and didn't shut him down. I think in today's society, it's important to listen to everyone's opinions and to remain open minded before straight away shooting something down. I hope that by documenting these debates, I will help people gain an insight from two different views on a variety of topics. 

What's your opinion on each of these views? Let me know in the comments below, or get in touch using the links in the sidebar! 

Love from, 
Florence Grace

*John Marsh is a false name used to protect the identity of the individual.


  1. Really great post, I can't understand people that think this way! Just to let you know I have nominated you for the Liebster award over on my blog, I've just realised that you recently got nominated for a different award but now you have TWO! hahaha xxx

    1. Hi! Thank you so much, that means a lot! No, neither can I. Aw, thank you so much, thats so lovely of you! I shall have a little look now! xxx


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