Blink Live 2, Friday's with Florence Grace and #TeamAlex...

As many of you will already know, I have a radio show of my own, 'Friday's with Florence Grace', every Friday on Blink FM. Others of you may also know that back in November, I became a trained TV presenter. In this exciting blog post, I'm about to explain to you how these two fabulous events are about to combine, and how you can get involved!

FWFG is hosted on local station Blink FM, based in High Wycombe and founded by Wycombe Youth Action in 2002. If you're aged 13-25 and interested in getting a new hobby, something extra for your CV or interested in getting some experience within the media industry, it's worth checking out how you can get involved! 

I have been working with Blink FM since July 2014, and it's now time for me to get involved with one of the many exciting events that they host. This time round, it's Blink FM Live 2.

So...what is it?
A few months back, Blink FM hosted Blink FM Live 1. Blink FM Live 2 is a follow up event, a concert where you can come and watch unsigned musical acts thrust themselves into the limelight, hear some great new music, see some work from other local projects and also some fun and games between the presenters from Blink FM- myself included! There will be exclusive interviews with each of the acts and some fierce competition between the presenters, as they take their place on either #TeamAlex or #TeamSophia! I myself am on you know which team you should be supporting too! 

Blink FM Live 2 will be on Saturday 7th of March, with doors opening at 6pm and the concert starting at 7pm.

Blink FM Live 2 will be hosted at The Beaconsfield School, in Beaconsfield (obviously...!)

How can I get involved?
You can get involved in a couple of different ways:

Follow me on twitter/instagram at @flomatthews_ and/or like my Facebook page Florence Grace to keep your eyes peeled for regular updates and promotions regarding the event. 

You can listen to my radio show #FWFG to hear more information about the event and maybe even some music from the acts...!

You can buy a ticket to come and watch the concert of course!! At £5 a ticket, they're a real bargain! If you don't want to watch some presenter banter, or even hear the new music, you should definitely come just to show your support for me- it's thanks to my readers I'm offered opportunities such as this in the first place, so come and see what has come of your support for me!

Finally, you can vote for who you're most excited to see at Blink FM Live 2 (me of course) by following this link here and voting on the poll for Florence Grace. Even if you can't make it to the concert, you can still cast your vote for me- I would be very appreciative! 

So, if this isn't enough to excite you about this concert, I don't know what is! If you need any more information, please do comment below or get in touch using the links in the side bar to my various social media platforms! I would love for as many of you as possible to be there, it would mean the world to me! If not, please do still vote for me in the poll for who you're most excited to see- or would be most excited to see if you were coming! You can do that here.

Any more questions? Get in touch! 

And remember...#TeamAlex all the way! 

Love from, 
Florence Grace 


  1. Eeeekkk!! This is so exciting!!!! xx

  2. I am sooo excited! Thank you for voting for me, please get allllll your friends too as well hehe! xx


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