10 reasons every girl wishes they were Blair Waldorf

Gossip Girl entered the lives of pre-teens, teens and young adults across the globe way back when in 2007. Our lives became consumed by it and we lusted after the glamorous lifestyles that each of the characters was living. It's safe to say though that most girls were taken in by the one and only Blair Waldorf. Seeming to be living in an absolute dream world, we couldn't help but pine after her clothing collections, envy her opportunities and of course, lust over her main love interest, Chuck Bass. There are so many reasons we loved (or loved to hate???) Blair Waldorf...here is a handful of them!

1) She had a personal slave, who not only acted as her maid but also cared very much about her. We <3 Dorota.

gossip girl mi gif upper east side dorota kishlovsky

2) She had the best selection of clothing to choose from...The girl could pull off literally any look! Serious wardrobe envy. 

gossip girl blair waldorf

3) Her level of sass was off the scale...always.

leighton meester gossip girl blair waldorf blair

4) Even if that meant sometimes she was a bit of a bitch...but she always knew how to look out for herself, and no one messed with her. Why couldn't we all be that fearless?

gossip girl blair waldorf threaten leighton meester

5) She knew exactly who she was and didn't need anyone to help her create her empire or get to where she wanted to be. A strong, independent female, something we all aspire to be, right?

leighton meester gossip girl blair waldorf

6) She seemed to have no end of money to blow whenever she wanted to. Hashtag goals. 

leighton meester gossip girl blair waldorf shopping

7) She frequently had the attention of several gorgeous young men...Starting with Nate, then Chuck,  then Nate, then Chuck, then the Prince of Monaco, then Dan...and then Chuck.... sigh.

humor gossip girl blair waldorf chuck bass chuck and blair

8) She got to be a princess for a bit...even if her husband was a little bit evil.

queen leighton meester princess gossip girl blair waldorf

9) She threw the best parties that we all were just dying to go to.

gossip girl blair waldorf junior year

10) Despite their up's and downs, she had a fab group of friends who stuck by her no matter what. Ahhh. 

leighton meester gossip girl friendship blair waldorf blake lively

Who was your favourite Gossip Girl character and why? Let me know in the comments below!! 

Love from,
Florence Grace

All gif's sourced from giphy.com


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