Inspirational women who may surprise you...

We all have an inspiration in life; someone we look up to, admire, aspire to be like. Sometimes these are people we know, our parents, siblings, friends. Sometimes they're celebrities (because who doesn't want to be Beyonce, right?) However, it is my opinion that there are some women who would make excellent inspirational figures who sometimes get overlooked, for whatever reason. Here's my selection of women that I think need more recognition for being the inspirational figures that they are!

Nicki Minaj.

Yep, that's right. I think Nicki Minaj is an excellent role model who often gets overlooked- dare I say it- because she's black, open to being sexually confident and not a size 0. Yet you only have to scroll through her Twitter feed to see her fighting for equality within the music industry and for equal portrayal of blacks and white's within the media- the most recent example being her "spat" with Taylor Swift. She also speaks constantly about the importance of being an independent woman, yet for some reason never receives as much recognition as Beyonce. So here you go Nicki, here's that recognition now!

Marina Diamandis.

Marina, known as Marina and the Diamonds, never receives recognition for her incredible song lyrics defending women of all kinds- housewives, girls who want to be loved, girls who want to be single, girls who want to be successful and, most importantly, loving yourself for exactly who you are. She sings about how it's okay to dream big, not to let anyone bring you down, about learning to love yourself before someone else loves you, and about how it is okay to be sad sometimes. Listen to her albums, back to back, from 'The Family Jewels' to 'Electra Heart' to 'Froot' and you will go on an entire journey with Marina as she grows up, matures and finds out who she is with the help of her creative outlet; music. 

Khloe Kardashian.

Whilst Kim gets recognition for...well, everything, and Kourtney gets recognition for being the strong wife style figure and brilliant mother, Khloe often gets left behind. Yet we mustn't overlook her work within the transgender community, supporting transgender people and raising money at charitable events. Her strength when it comes to overcoming the abuse she has received for being "the fat Kardashian", "the ugly Kardashian" and the "adopted Kardashian". She's also an incredible business woman- or has been portrayed as one, anyway! But for me, it's her sheer strength to withstand the "haters" that makes her an inspiration to me. 

Katie Hopkins.

Yes, yes the woman you all love to hate. But look at her- she see's an opportunity, takes it, and turns it into success. Her fame began from applying for The Apprentice, despite hating TV shows like that, because she saw it as a business opportunity and took it. She saw the opportunity to prove to fat people that they could lose weight- and look at her success with that! Thousands of people have now joined her Eat Less, Move More group and have lost twice their body weight to reach a healthier weight and live a better lifestyle. And now the woman has her own TV show- so come on! You might hate her but she hasn't let any of the abuse she's received (and boy has she received it!) stop her from living her life and doing exactly what she wants, and she's gaining success every single day by doing so.


The woman is criticised over and over for having an unrealistic figure, and setting high standards for girls all over the world. Okay yes, no one could ever have a figure of her proportions. But has anyone ever researched Barbie? The woman has had a whopping 130 jobs over her 50 years of existence! And yes, whilst some of these were particularly feminine jobs, such as fashion designer, ballerina, flight attendant and boutique owner, she has had a series of "masculine" jobs too, way before women ever even thought they could do these jobs, including an astronaut, formula 1 driver, rap artist and even the president- before a women president had ever even made it into the presidential ballot. Amazing right? Barbie, breaking boundaries for women everywhere. Go Barbie!

On top of this, she's also a great friend, to everyone- even evil Racquel in Life in the Dreamhouse, who is nothing but nasty. So she has great personality traits too! So is it really such a bad thing for girls to want to grow up like Barbie? No, I don't think so.

Are there any women you feel are underrated but are actually great inspirations? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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    1. I'm in the audience of ep. 1 of her shows so look out for me!! x


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