
Over the last week, our lives have been flooded with the news of the death of American civil right's Activist, Sandra 'Sandy' Bland- an incident that occurred three days after her conspicuous arrest, on July 13th. Upon release of Ms. Bland's mug-shot, images of her cell- the so called 'crime scene'-, controversial theories surrounding her death sprung up all over social media, and a movement began; #JusticeforSandraBland and #SayHerName to mention but a few. Whilst her death has been ruled officially as asphyxiation, many others have jumped to their own conclusions- murder. You can watch one example of a conspiracy video here.

Of course, like everyone else, I have an opinion of this case, but I have been hesitant to discuss it. As far as the facts I have seen go, from my own judgement, I have decided to believe that yes, she was already dead in her mug-shot and that yes, somehow, the police killed her. They can say she hung herself until they are blue in the face- there are just some facts that really don't add up.

But I'm not here to talk about the in's and out's of this heartbreaking incident. It's not my place to pass a judgement and decide that this happened and this didn't, and so on. I want to talk about the clear racial issue we seem to have and the fact that it is growing, rather than disappearing- especially amongst figures of authority; police officers. 

I may not necessarily suffer from racial inequality, but I feel my heart breaking every time I see one of these racial attacks in the form of police brutality splashed across every web page, every social media feed. Eric Garner, Michael Brown, now Sandy Bland, as well as countless others. As a white citizen, living in a house that my mother owns, with a two jobs, a good education and a happy relationship, I feel that I may have no place speaking about such matters. What do I know? From what have I suffered? 


Yet I want nothing more than to join forces with people who are trying to make a change. I want to help. God, how totally condescending of me.

But the year is 2015 and I can't even comprehend the fact that racism still exists. We seem almost to have taken a step backwards in terms of reaching equality. Whilst we made positive improvement from the 1920's onwards, gradually increasing the right's that black people could have and abolishing segregation within communities, racism seems to be making a come back...at an all time high. I can't help but notice that it seems to be a big issue in America at the moment, and over the last year, the number of black citizens who have lost their lives at the hands of police brutality, seemingly "just because" there was a "misunderstanding" or "miscommunication" is horrendous. 

The fact that such a phrase as "police brutality" even exists makes me sick. Abuse of power to abuse a citizen you're supposed to protect, help or quietly remove from the streets is disgusting. What the hell gives police officers the right to end a life, there and then, just because they can't control themselves; just because the citizen is black? Yes, as a police officer, you wear a badge that gives you a grade of authority, so yes, you must be obeyed. It's part of your job and it entails you to protect people, prevent crime and save lives. Being a police officer is a very commendable and selfless job. 

That is, until you start to abuse the power that comes with your title. 

Being "in charge" does not mean you can abuse people "below" you just because you feel like it. You can not take a bad day out on a citizen of colour just because you feel like it. You can't do something without thinking about it- if you're going to pull someone over, have good reason. If you're going to arrest someone, have valid reasoning. Most importantly of all, you can not kill someone, and end a life, just because you're "in charge", were having a "bad day" or didn't like the colour of their skin.

People look at police officers as role models. "The police don't like someone? Well they must have good reason, they're the police! We won't like them either!"
If the police set this example that racism is okay, that attacking people of colour is okay, that hurting them, abusing them and ignoring their cries for help is okay, this is going to penetrate itself into the minds of people everywhere who are watching. It's going to show people it's acceptable to do this, that people of colour are often criminals deserving of this, that people of colour are often in the wrong. It almost sets an example of white supremacy, and that disgusts me. I thought we were almost past this stage? Whilst racism still did exist, I was not aware it was still at large, and now it seems to be growing. I feel incredibly naive.

Police are supposed to protect you from the criminals of society, but how can you ask them for protection when they are the one's you need protecting from? In Sandy's case, Eric Garner's case and Michael Brown's case, nobody could protect them from the monsters, because the monsters were the protectors. It is now time for everybody to come together and make it known that we will protect them.

We will not stand for police brutality or racist attacks. We will not stand for people to be strangled, shot, punched, kicked, abused all because of the colour of their skin. The USA have a black president for goodness sake and still the police across the states are getting away with literally murder. How can this be? Why aren't they being stopped? Why aren't they being punished?

It all comes down to the badge, the position of authority they have- and just like in retail where the customer is always right, a person in the position of power is always right. Because how could they not be? Their actions must be justifiable because they know what they are doing!

It's got to end. Police brutality, racism and lack of punishment for these crimes (and when I say crimes I mean the crimes of the police force) has got to come to an end. I realise not all police officers are the same- but it seems to be a majority, consistently getting away with these murders of black citizens. It's disgusting, unacceptable, it's got to stop. 

A blog post won't change much, but I couldn't stay silent on this anymore. I wanted to make my feelings clear and try to get my voice heard. Maybe it will touch the hearts of others, maybe it will encourage others to also want to actively get involved in campaigning for equal rights for all. Maybe someone will read this post and inform me how I can help- because that's all I want to do right now. Join forces with someone, somewhere, and try my level best to bring an end to this all. 

I don't want to appear condescending. I don't want to appear a privileged white girl who knows of no struggles. Believe me, that's not how I am or want to be seen. Whilst my words may be jumbled and may not truly convey what it is that I am trying to say, I want to appear as what I am- a young woman who wants to help create a change. Equality is the key to a healthier society- everybody deserves to be treated the same. 


Love from,
Florence Grace

Sandra Bland. R.I.P

This post is 100% opinion based. I mean no offence with this post, it is based purely upon my own feelings regarding police brutality, racism and the justice system- especially in the USA. I do not intend to tarnish all police officers with the same brush- I know they are not all the same. If you are upset with this post please get in touch with me directly at florencegrace13@gmail.com


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    1. Thank you, Abi! It's absolutely horrific that this is allowed to keep on happening and nothing can be done to stop it- I am glad you agree! x


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