I'm going to be a princess!

Today I received some very exciting news...

I'm going to be a princess!

Okay, okay, it's only going to be for a day but still- how exciting? 

Basically a few weeks ago, I heard my town was putting on it's first ever 'proper' May Fair and were looking for a May Queen. Straight away I applied, because a) I am a queen and deserve to have the official title and b) I wanted to wear a crown. Lols. Anyway, a few weeks passed and I heard nothing until this morning! 

The judges emailed me to explain that they had selected a young woman with learning disabilities to be the May Queen but that there had been a unanimous decision that she should have two princesses by her side to accompany her and assist her with royal duties on the day. They wanted one of these princesses to be me- and so of course, I accepted! 

I get a floral bracelet made of real flowers that will co ordinate with the colour of my dress (pink, of course) and will be driven to the event in a black and pink car. The May Queen will make a speech and then together we will officially open the fair! 

I know it might sound a little childish but I am literally so excited! Finally I will be recognised for the royalty I have always known that I am (just kidding). I've also never really been to a traditional May Fair so that will be exciting too!

The best part of the day will probably be explaining to people why I was chosen as the May Princess...and this is something I thought I'd share with you! My application spoke all about my views on feminism, gender equality and being a strong, independent young woman- this is all something I am hoping to share with the people at the event next week! 

I promise to be a good blogger and take billions of photos to share with you all after the event! I am just so excited! Do you have any plans for the bank holiday weekend? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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