Are the Kardashians inspiring?

In short, the answer is me, anyway! 

In long...well, there are a whole multitude of reasons as to why I find the Kardashian/Jenner clan inspiring! Whilst many people look at the Kardashians as money grabbing, attention seeking individuals, I feel we all must look at the bigger picture here. First off, aren't we all money grabbing and attention seeking? Haven't you ever posted a provocative tweet or Facebook status whilst feeling annoyed or upset, knowing it will cause a reaction and gain you some attention? Don't you always try to make as much money as you can, just like them? There really isn't much difference between the Kardashians/Jenners and us 'ordinary' people in that sense. 

Secondly, people seem to completely disregard what the family actually do. They have an overwhelming amount of achievements tucked under their designer belts, with their fingers in countless pies. Some include:

  • Eleven series of KUWTK, inviting the entire world into the most intimate moments of their lives.
  • Several spin off shows including Kourtney and Kim take New York, Kourtney and Khloe take Miami and Khloe and Lamar.
  • Several DASH stores where the sisters design their own clothes and help to run the stores.
  • Beauty products and fragrances.
  • Kylie Jenner's lip kit collections.
  • Each of them has their own app.
  • Countless books, both official autobiographies and biographies.
  • Kim has had a single out and appeared in several music videos.
  • A variety of TV Debuts on shows such as 'Dancing with the stars' from all of them.
  • All of them have modelling careers to some degree.
  • Rob has his own range of socks.
  • Caitlyn, formerly Bruce, is a motivational public speaker and former Olympic champion.
  • The Kimoji's!

And the list goes on! Now, when I look at that list, I feel inspired. Like, seriously, look at everything they accomplish, all whilst trying to lead their own personal lives, maintain relationships, start families and all the rest. I especially look to Kim and Kylie and their business skills for sources of inspiration. Kim is constantly reeling off new product after new product, entertaining her fan base. Kylie is an incredible business the age of just eighteen, she has already created a huge empire for herself- arguable bigger than all of the Kardashians bar Kim, but she's not far off! 

Now yes, it can be argued that the Kardashians don't actually run their businesses, someone else does it and they take credit yadda yadda yadda. And whilst we will probably never truly know how much involvement Kylie has with her lip kits or whether the Kardashian sisters actually thought of the DASH stores themselves, what we do know is there is some partial involvement. And to even have partial involvement in that many projects, to me, is truly something

So why do people think it's so ridiculous for the Kardashians to be called inspiring? To me, it seems like people are too focused on the reasons the Kardashians are successful- mainly down to their bodies and good looks. Due to this, people are too quick to say "they're nothing but pretty faces" and the like. But strip away the looks and they still would have the fame- the fame that originated from their late father, Robert Kardashian, or their step father/the Jenner sister's father, an Olympic champion...and they would still have the same talent. A talent for delivering exactly what people want. Yes, there's no denying that the Kardashian/Jenners have been fortunate enough to be provided with opportunities that a lot of people won't be. But that doesn't prevent anybody from going out there and trying to create those same opportunities for themselves.

Above all else, the Kardashians/Jenners are businesswomen. They know that their name is a brand, their empire is a brand. Whatever they do, the fans will love and want to be a part of. And that is the most successful business plan brought to life that I have ever seen. People love them. People love to hate them. Whatever they do, they're current and present and bang on trend. Whilst an Apple product will go out of date, a Dolce and Gabbana bag will go out of fashion, the Kardashians will forever be current, present in our lives for what seems like an infinity, with heir after heir ready to take over their empire and continue it on. Good fortune and opportunistic thinking has brought them to where they are today, but hard work, determination and a good business mindset has made sure that they are here to stay.

If that isn't inspiring to you, I don't know what is.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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