The emotional roller coaster of an entrepreneur.
Feeling great. I'm running my own business. I'm my own boss. I'm awesome. Go me.

Damn it's hard being my own boss. So much to do. Let me watch another episode of Gossip Girl first.

Yay! Someone has bought something! Money in the bank like ch-ching biatch! I'm so rich right now.

Ugh my expenses are way more than my profit. Can I claim the money back for excessive wifi usage???

Why is nothing going right? I should be the next Zuckerburg right now omg.

UGH I JUST WANT TO GIVE UP. Give me a job in retail any day of the week.

Sits in horrible slump for the next week. Because honestly, what's the point? I'm going to end up penniless, homeless and alone.

OOH something good has happened. Cue positive email, something being bought or some great customer feedback etc. YAY. All is well again.

And repeat.
Love from,
Florence Grace
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Laughing out loud at this post hun!! Totally love it! xxx
ReplyDeleteHaha I'm glad you enjoyed it! xxx