Love from... magazine: The Relaunch!

You may or may not know by now that I run my own magazine, Love from... . Its a lifestyle magazine funded solely by myself. I have an incredible team of writers, most of whom are bloggers who work full time, are studying, have families etc. and still find the time to write for me on a voluntary basis. I don't profit from the magazine in any way, shape or form- but it's not about that for me anyway! It's just about being able to do what I love, all of the time! 

Recently, I'v been stuck in a bit of a rut with the magazine, struggling to find advertisers or to grow the readership to an even larger number. I've had several rants to several people, several ideas, some great and some awful, and now I have come to one conclusion; 

It is time for the relaunch. 

On June 1st not only will we be releasing the fifth issue of the magazine, but it will also be the magazine's first birthday! So with a new year is going to come a new start. Have no fear, we will still be about pink and pretty, but we are going to do some things differently. So, what will change?

- The magazine will be free. I am not sure how I'm going to go about this one, it's definitely going to be hard on me to begin with but I am hoping to generate enough money via advertising that I will be able to run the magazine for free. If you can find content by the same writers online for free, why would you pay for a magazine? Also, the magazine is meant to be a source of inspiration to people all over the globe- and inspiration should be free! 

- There is a small price to pay... The magazine will be free, yes. However if you choose to subscribe to the magazine for a year, there will be a teeny tiny cost of just £2 to cover your postage for the year! (Considering at the moment each issue is sold for £2.50, this is definitely a bargain). 

- There will be a prize draw for subscribers. If you subscribe to the magazine and have to make the payment of £2, we would like to repay you! Everyone who subscribes will be entered into a prize draw of goodies worth £50! This will run between issues (so if June 1st is the launch of the next issue, get subscribing now!)

- There will be freebies. Magazines are always better when they come with teeny tiny gifts, right? So we will be providing said teeny tiny gifts with each issue. 

- Student Ambassador style scheme. We will be starting up a student ambassador style scheme in time for Issue 6 in September, choosing a representative or two for the magazine at a variety of universities and colleges. If this interests you, please email ASAP!

So, what does this leave you to do now? 

It leaves you to pre order a copy of Issue 5, totally free, right here:

And it leaves you to subscribe to the magazine for a year for just £2 and an entry into the prize draw worth £50 right here:

PLEASE NOTE THE PAYMENT OF 0.01 LISTED WILL BE REFUNDED- YOU CAN NOT LIST THINGS FOR FREE ON BIG CARTEL! (If anyone knows a shop online where you can list things for free, or an alternative way to sell products online for free, please let me know!)

I really hope you guys will continue to support me and my magazine in the way that you have done so far- I'd love to grow readership and share my team and I's hard work with a wider audience. Hopefully I have made it more accessible to you all now!

These changes will be coming into effect for the fifth issue, so if you've recently purchased an issue or subscribed a few issues ago, please don't feel ripped off, this is coming into effect as of June 1st! However, if you'd like to discuss a problem, please do get in touch!

If you're interested in purchasing a copy and are having problems, want to get involved with the magazine, want to advertise with the magazine or have any other questions, please email me at or DM me on Twitter!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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