The women who made me a feminist
The women in my family are not what you would call 'feminists'. My youngest sister doesn't have much knowledge on the topic, although claims to be one, but I know she is not fully aware of what it means. My other sister thinks it's stupid and my mum also isn't someone you'd label feminist either. It might make you wonder where on earth my strong feminist streak developed from...well, today I'm going to tell you! These are the women who made me a feminist...
Mrs Johnson.
My history teacher for the first year of my history GCSE, a heavily pregnant Mrs Johnson was a firm feminist who would often rant quite excitedly about the topic. I had never really encountered feminism before this point, I'm not sure if I'd even heard of it before, which is really quite shocking. However, Mrs J soon changed this, introducing me to the Pankhurst sisters and the feminist movement. I knew there and then that I was a feminist.
Marina and the Diamonds.
Marina, from pop group Marina and the Diamonds, is another strong feminist who sings about the double standards in regards to sexual relationships men have and women have, who sings about how men think they're superior to women and how women are just as powerful and so on. I have listened to her albums over and over, felt every word. Her lyrics are frank, to the point and just so honest and true about how so many women feel. From the moment I first heard "Hollywood", I wanted to be just like Marina- a totally badass babe!

I have loved Beyonce for as long as I can remember, but only when I got old enough to really understand what her lyrics were saying did I understand just how significant she was to women. Singing continuously about being a strong and independent woman (as cliche as that sounds), there's a Beyonce song for almost every situation you're in. In more recent years, she's spreading the message of feminism and gender equality as well as racial issues through her music more and more. Her lyrics are also always true and honest and I just really admire her.

Jacqueline Wilson.
Or, more accurately, her characters! Always her characters are strong, female protagonists who go through trauma after trauma, sometimes physical, sometimes emotional, sometimes both. Mums are more often than not single, working hard to provide for their family and playing the mum AND dad role, and this is something I really admire. Having read Jacqueline's autobiographies too, I gained some influence from her own self and her mother.
I'm sure there are many more women, but these are the one's who stand out to me! Which women influenced you into becoming a feminist? Or have you just always been one? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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