Confessions of a shopaholic

Without being too stereotypical or sexist...all girls love to shop, right? Well, I know that I definitely love to shop. More so as I've become single and now have more money to spend on myself and not someone else! I also love the feeling of treating myself, of knowing how much overtime I've done at work so what extra bits I can afford here and there. I love hearing the postman knock, getting a dispatch email, photographing new's all just an amazing experience. If you're a shopaholic like me, you'll get what I'm saying. And you might just relate to some of these thoughts and feelings too...

You get lots of post. But most of it is those annoying cards telling you how many mere minutes you missed your postman by and that you can't get your parcel until tomorrow, where you will no doubt miss it again.

crying abc upset the bachelor ben higgins

Nothing makes you happier than wearing new clothes for the first time. You get to create new outfits, show off your clothes to your friends, post Instagram selfies... it's just endless happiness, right?

movie shopping confessions of a shopaholic

Looking at your bank account can be pretty terrifying. But you just can't help yourself. Girls just wanna have fun(ds) they can shop.

scared real housewives of orange county rhoc embarrassed hiding

You own duplicate items. Except they aren't the same because they vary in colour, or slightly in shape or one is a cheap dupe. Duh. They are all needed. 

tv rhoa kenya moore duh obviously

Your card details are saved on your favourite websites. Shopping is quicker and you have no time to back out whilst typing in card details, because you just have to click one button and the money is gone. 

swag money make it rain $$$ spending

You take advantage of PayPal. If you haven't used and abused the 'pay after delivery' option, what kind of shopaholic are you?

The postman is bored of bringing you parcels. And makes humorous but at the same time totally sarcastic and not funny comments about how many you get. "A parcel for you again? Wow!". Shut up. 

vh1  eye roll love and hip hop lhhatl joseline

You visit the post office so much they no longer ID you. Same goes for your favourite shops too. In fact, they know your name, a bit about your life and can make conversation with you because you are there so much you may as well be besties

office kevin post malone malone dailyscranton

Are you a shopaholic? Do you relate to this post? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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