Feeling disappointed

Today I've been super busy, hence the lateness of today's post! Rather than try to make a good post for you when I am super tired, I thought I'd just give you a chatty update about what's been going on with me. Well, I have two damn words for you, pals:

Google Analytic's.

Seriously, what is up with that. Kindly, my blogger friend Fiona set it up for me today (at long last, it's only been nearly two years since I started my blog! I highly recommend her for all blog related services) and I have been left feeling absolutely crushed at the statistics I have seen. Today, Google Blogger told me I hit 81,000 page views on my blog, and I couldn't have been happier- I wanted to hit 100,000 for my blogs second birthday and now this seemed in reach! 

And then GA decided to slap me in the face, showing me that my apparent actual page views are not even half of that. Not even half. Not even a quarter. 

It also told me that most of my readers are from the US and China, with only a tiny portion being from the UK! Does this mean all of my UK friends, family and blogging friends have been lying when they say they've been reading my blog? I don't know any American's or Chinese people! 

Furthermore, apparently the average time spent on my blog is 20 seconds! That's not nearly long enough to read one of my lengthy blog posts, so what the heck is going on?

I couldn't feel more crushed by the statistics of GA- unless I'm understanding them all wrong? Please someone help me feel a little bit better about these super lame numbers! :(

Love from,
Florence Grace


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