Children With Cancer UK Fashion Show!

Friday 27th February 2015 saw the grand event that was a fashion show in London for the fabulous charity, Children with Cancer UK. I was invited to the event about 2 weeks ago as a blogger, to cover the event and raise awareness of the charity. I was honored to have been asked to do so, as the charity is really just so important, as well as super excited to cover a fashion show, as this was something I had never done before! The night was a huge success, and the display of talent was extremely impressive- from the designers work, to the various acts performing in between! The venue was fairly glamorous, based at The Building Centre in London, and upon entry we received glasses of wine, nibbles and goody bags, as well as having the opportunity to mingle with some of the other guests before the show began. When it was time for the show to start, I went to try and seat myself- only to find that because I was "press", I needed to get myself a press pass (which I was thri...