Happy Birthday, LFFG!

My, how you've grown! To be honest, I can't believe I've only been doing this for a year...and at the same time, I can't believe it's been one whole year already! Blogging has quite literally changed my life, and helped to shape the person that I am today. Nothing I have done over the last year would have happened without my blog. So yes, now is my time to brag about the last year of my life, brag about my success via my blog but most importantly of all, be appreciative of every single person who has helped me get to where I am today- this is a bragging post and a thank you post too! July 31st 2014- The birth of Love from, Florence Grace. My first ever blog post is so cringy, and quite different from the posts I do now...here you go. Go on. Read and laugh here ! August 2014. - I got into the swing of blogging. August 2014 had my most blog posts to date, with a whopping 22 blog posts in one month! - I discovered a few bloggers via twitter- the two first ...