Tacky, tasteless and unromantic...I'm talking celebrity wedding's of course!
I promised my readers a nice, ranty blog post today, so a ranty blog post you shall get- today's topic is on celebrity weddings. In today's society, we all have celebrities that we love, admire, obsess over and what not. We follow them on all social media platforms that we can, read about their lives in magazines, watch their lives played out on TV and get involved with them on a daily basis in any way that we can. I myself am guilty of this. I adore Tom Hanks, and will be the first to like his Instagram posts, retweet his tweets and will cry incessantly over any appearance in film/tv. I love him the way I would love an uncle, or grandad- and wish he was one of those to me! However, one thing that I can not abide is celebrity weddings. Weddings are beautiful, momentous occasions, where two people who love each other are united together for all of eternity. To me, moments such as weddings are incredibly personal, and should be shared with the people who matter most- family...