Pros and Cons of learning to drive

At 20 (very nearly 21), I probably should be able to drive by now. To be honest though, the idea of driving never really appealed to me. When all my friends turned 17 (its 17 you can learn to drive, right?) and were asking for driving lessons and cars, I was asking for other things; clothes, makeup, a new phone, DVD's...nothing to do with driving or cars. It just didn't bother me! I live pretty central to everywhere I need to go. If I can't walk, I can get a train. Who needs a car?

However, now that I'm starting to look for proper careers, rather than temporary jobs, I'm starting to think that driving would be a good idea- but I'm still not 100% decided whether I should learn or not! To help me out, I made a list of pros and cons that I thought I'd share with you guys...


- You have total independence. No lifts from mum or dad necessary!
- You can go to a McDonald's drive through whenever you want.
- You can go out when you went, whenever you want.
- Similar to the previous point, you don't have a "pick up" time because your parent needs to sleep.
- You can work outside of your local town.
- My friends can stop giving me lifts around


- It's expensive to have lessons. So expensive.
- It's expensive to pay for your theory test- especially if you need to take it more than once.
- It's expensive to pay for your practical test- "                                                                      ".
- It's expensive to buy a car.
- It's expensive to run a car.
- I owe people a lot of designated driver nights out and free taxi lifts.

Okay so that pros and cons list has not helped me at all. I think I need to be able to drive but I just have far better things to pay for right now, its so unaffordable! How old were you when you started driving? Do you think its about time I learnt? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Hey! I was very much like you when I was a bit younger (I'm only 23 now though!) I went back and forth quite a lot with driving due to cost and decided maybe it wasn't for me.

    This year I passed my test after only a few months of lessons so I saved quite a lot compared to some friends, it really helps to have a goal in mind - I knew I wanted to pass during my birthday month.

    Hannah | Granite City Girl x

    1. I have a general life goal to be in a full time career, driving and in my own place (rented probably, not bought!) by the time I'm 25! Maybe I need to make my driving goal more specific so I'm more determined to achieve it!


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