America is scaring me

Yesterday, I wrote a blog post pleading American citizens not to vote for the joke of a politician that is Donald Trump. I wrote about the adverse affect he would have on the country and how he stood for everything that is wrong with the world.

But today it dawned on me that there is something far scarier- and far worse- than Donald Trump (yes, really).

It's his supporters.

Because it's one thing for one man to have such vile views on people who aren't straight, white males, but it's another when you realise just how much of America support his views. A huge portion of American's support his views and what he stands for, They believe the things he say are right! They're anti gay, they're anti black, they're anti Muslim, they're anti women- even the women! It's ludicrous but it's also terrifying.

Imagine if Trump wins the elections. Imagine if after all he has said and done, he gets elected to be Prime Minister. It will make all those American citizens who think the same way Trump do that their way of thinking is right.

In addition to this, think how powerful America is in comparison to the rest of the world. Think how many people they could at least attempt to impress these same, damaging views on!

It's a horrible, terrifying thought. In a world that's more diverse than ever before, where more people are open and honest about their faith,their background, their gender and sexuality, its sad and scary to think this could be quickly altered due to the ignorance of Donald Trump.

I hate to whine on about this topic two days in a row, but before when I felt confident that Trump wouldn't be taken seriously, I'm now beginning to panic- and I'm not even an American citizen! But I can understand just how damaging he will be should he be given the power a President has.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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