Should I have gone to uni?

The other day, I was talking to my mum about how much I loved my best girl Bobbie's university friends, and how I envied her for having so many loving, caring friends around her- she is so lucky! I was whining to my mum about the size of my social circle (online friends, a gazillion, real life friends, two), and she asked me:

"Do you wish you'd gone to uni now?"

I said no, straight away. No, no, no. Not going to university has actually been hugely beneficial to me and my career. Most of the people in the same year group as me are now in their final year of uni. In the time that they have been studying, I have been working; I've been a radio presenter, trained to be a TV presenter, started my own magazine, worked with Channel 4 and 4Music, landed several jobs within the media industry...I doubt I would have done half of that, if any of it, whilst at university. 

But are there times when I think "Man, this would be so much easier if I'd gone to uni?". 

Of course. 

At university, I could have gained more independence for myself- but I've done that this year anyway, learning to cook, and even doing some washing myself the other day (go me!) (don't kill me for never having used a washing machine before).

At university, I could have been involved with the student radio, newspaper or magazine- but here I'm involved with larger print publications and with 4Music. 

At university, I could have had another three years to figure my life out, rather than stressing from the age of 18- but I got a head start and started to pave the way for myself three years ahead of people I know by not going. 

So yes, there would be some pros if I had gone to university. But I don't doubt my decision for a second. The last three years have been amazing for me- I went to college and gained a qualification while making new friends, for free might I add, I launched my own business and have begun developing my media profile and making a name for myself within the industry. I didn't need university for any of that. I did it all by my damn self. 

Should I have gone to university? Maybe. But I'm so glad I didn't. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I recently graduated from university but I agree - you don't need to go to university to be successful. And you can make friends anywhere. Unfortunately I came across a lot of toxic people at university so I didn't make many friends bur I met some wonderful people, while pursuing my passions and strengthening my skills.


    1. I definitely wouldn't discourage people from going if it's what they want to do, but I definitely don't think it should be advertised as the only option to your career!


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