"You've changed"

"They'll be so quick to say you've changed, when it's really them who aren't growing"

I love this quote. It is so real and so relevant. 

Over the last two years I have had so many people walk into my life but I have had twice as any of them leave. Why? Because I 'change'. 

I would hope I've changed! Over the course of two years, if I'd stayed the same person I would be very ashamed of myself. Personally, I much prefer who I am today than who I was two years ago. I'm wiser, I have progressed further in my career, I have more confidence, I'm healthier and I have achieved things I could only ever have dreamed of before. Best of all, I'm running my own business. 

Now, for those of you who don't know, I'm a very career driven person. I sometimes work as long as 20 hours a day for a multitude of jobs. Over the last year especially I have taken on a larger work load than ever before and set myself even bigger goals- and this means spending more time than ever before on work. While I'm at a point in my life where I'm more social than I have been in the last five years, I also have less time to be social. So while I am seeing friends at least once a week, instead of once a month like I used to, it really is just once a week! 

Sure, I'd love to see each and every one of my friends every day, but I can't! I genuinely don't have the time. I'm busy working, making a future for myself, earning money, trying to build a life for myself. I can't hang out watching TV every single night, I can't go to the pub at the drop of a hat, I can't go out every weekend, go to every film showing at the cinema, go to London whenever I like- you get the gist. Work comes first for at least five days of the week (I try to give myself a break at the weekend!). 

Now thankfully, I have brilliant, understanding friends who definitely get that. They know I can't always see them because I'm busy, but most of them are just as busy themselves and all of them support me. 

Some people can't deal with it. They think I'm too young to be this dedicated to my work. They think it makes me boring and no fun. More often than not, these same people walk out of my life and never look back- and let me tell you, that is fine by me! (If being on TV, having radio shows, attending LFW events for free and the like is boring that is...) 

You do you and I'll do me. Everyone leads their life in their own way and no one should be judged for that. So I'm a self confessed workaholic. So what? That's how I want to be until I've reached my end goal in life. If you don't like it, you know what to do. 

I'm so appreciative of the friends who do support me and understand and while they message me telling me they miss me, they understand I can't always make time for a meal out or a trip to the shops. However, when I do make time, I make it good time. I will chat non stop, engage in conversation, have a real catch up. None of this sat there in silence malarky. 

People walk out of my life saying I've changed, and I'm glad. I wouldn't want to be the same. But really, all I'm doing is growing up. Improving. Getting better. Evolving. 

Are you?

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. A round of applause!!!!!!!!

    Trust me, I know the feeling, I've been there. I had to cut so many people out of my life - or keep my distance - because a lot of them could not stand the fact that I was busy all the time - with my studies, building up my portfolio and getting work experience. I've even had this issue with some of my family members. A lot of them didn't respect or attempt to understand, instead they wanted me to hang out with them 24/7 and engage in toxic and/or time-wasting unproductive behaviour instead. The irony was that even when I reached out and made an effort to meet up with them they would never respond or make the same effort back.

    They wanted me to sacrifice my life goals for them and they didn't want me to progress as a person, but if someone can't respect my priorities then they don't respect me and they don't deserve a place in my life.

    The people who understand are the ones who are true to you, and that's why I am glad I have the friends I have. They are similar to yours - they are busy too but when we meet up once in a while it's like we were never apart. Quality, not quantity, is key - it's not about how much time you spend with your friends, it's all about the quality of the time. That is what a true friendship is all about.

    Just keep on hustling and you will reach your goals. Don't worry about the fools who don't celebrate your growth and achievements. Your real friends are the ones that matter and they understand. :) Those who don't mind matter, and those who mind don't matter.


    1. Also, please get some rest! You deserve it! :)

    2. I love how like-minded we are Chichi! It is definitely about quality not quantity when it comes to friends, I have learnt that more and more as the years go by!

      Haha I plan on having a rest this weekend as I'm off on a mini break to Amsterdam! Make sure you have some rest too!


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