Let's talk, Nick Pisa...

Netflix recently uploaded a brand new documentary on the intriguing and brutal murder case surrounding Amanda Knox and the death of her then room mate, Meredith Kercher. The simply titled "Amanda Knox" documentary recapped the trial and had segments from different people involved in the case, from the chief detective to forensics, Amanda Knox herself and journalist Nick Pisa. 

Now I'll be blunt. Nick Pisa really pissed me off. Boy, oh boy did he grind my gears and get on every single one of my nerves. 

Let's bear in mind that originally, he was reporting a murder case. He was based in Italy, reporting on behalf of the UK and, for some reason, the Italians liked him and so he was nearly always the first to be given information from the police to report back to the UK, where victim Meredith Kercher was from. So as you can probably understand, it was a pretty big deal and he had a very important job to do. Not only were the UK depending on him but the victim's family were depending on him. 

So maybe you can understand my frustration when Nick Pisa spent each of his segments in the documentary with a smug grin on his face talking about how great and fantastic it was to be on so many front covers at once. It was a big deal for him and it felt better than sex. That's right, in a documentary that was about a murder linked to sexual assault, Nick Pisa said his work making so many front covers felt better than sex. For. Real. 

He went on to talk about the murder in such casual tones it was almost terrifying. "A murder always gets people going" and "It was a particularly gruesome murder; throat slit, semi naked, blood everywhere. I mean, what more do you want in a story?". I think I was actually sick in my mouth at one point because the guy was obviously a total moron with psychopathic tendencies if these were his real thoughts and I couldn't stand to watch him any longer. So fixated on glory and fame was he that he failed to handle the story in the sensitive manner it should have been.

I was internally screaming throughout every one of his segments as I sat in bed watching this documentary. Not only was the film itself a total shambles (but that's a whole other blog post), Nick was smarmy, smug and a damn right Devil's advocate, seeming to be on Amanda's side until he suddenly said something out of the blue that made you doubt everything he had already said. To be honest though, he was just totally self absorbed and it was horrendous to watch.

Let us remind you, Mr Pisa, that this documentary was not about you. This documentary was not made so you could brag about your 'success' and how many front covers you made while reporting on a horrific murder. It was not made so you could try and revive that dying career of yours (he works for The Sun, need I say more?) and relive what you obviously consider to be some kind of glory days-esque moment. 

You're disgusting and you have given journalism an incredibly bad name. You evidently handled this case insensitively and in such a way that you clearly didn't care who your comments affected; you just did what you had to do to get that front page. And I get it, I do. Covering a front page, let alone a dozen front pages must be incredible. But with a story like this, it's not something to brag about. It should have been celebrated humbly, if at all. 

I'm so stunned the documentary was allowed to include these comments and that they thought it would be okay to share the kinds of things he was saying. I feel so awful for Meredith Kercher's family should they watch this film and hear how he talks with such ease about the murder of their daughter. I hope they know that there are so many journalists out there who would never behave in such an appalling manner. 

Watching this film, you think I'd be fuelled with a hatred so strong towards Meredith's murderer, towards Amanda. But to me, the person who came out of this looking the worst was Nick Pisa. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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