Kimmy K's ordeal is not a joke

If you're not completely up to speed with the news right now, you might not have heard about what happened to reality TV star and entrepreneur, Kim Kardashian. While staying at her apartment in Paris, her room was broken into by robbers who tied her up, held her at gun point and stole millions of dollars worth of jewellery, including an engagement ring from husband Kanye West.

It sounds horrific right? I can't even begin to imagine what she went through, what she still must be going through. And of course, I'm relieved for her sake that the children weren't present in the apartment.

What I'm not so thrilled about is the endless tirade of 'funny' tweets I've seen about the incident on social media; mainly, Twitter. One of the many lines I've seen floating around is this:

Like really? Really? Not only is this a prime example of how anti-woman this world is but also how violence against women really isn't taken seriously! Even one of Kims friends, Karl Lagerfeld has said the incident was Kim's 'own fault'. For real?! How is it Kim's own fault that some people illegally broke into her home, tied her up and stole her belongings? She didn't ask for that to happen and posting about her life on social media is certainly not an invitation to burgle her! At this day in age, who doesn't post about their life on social media?

Victim blaming is still a real thing and it is still as unacceptable as ever.

Those saying that it was a hoax, those being sexually abusive towards Kim and those being generally nasty need to take a step back from social media and re evaluate their lives. Okay, so if it turns out to be a hoax, you can all laugh at me, right? But for now, I'm choosing to believe her- because why wouldn't I? Why shouldn't I? Why would anyone lie about this? A woman was held at gun point, her life was put at risk and people choose to turn it into a joke because she's so famous? It's not okay!

If your mum went through this, your brother, a sister, a friend, would you laugh and joke then? Would you doubt their truth? No, you wouldn't. So why do it behind a computer screen to someone you don't even know.

Once again, social media has shown me just how many evil and cruel people there are in the world and once again I'm utterly disappointed and ashamed to be part of such a cruel generation of people.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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