Eat What You Like!

In keeping with yesterday's body positive post, I thought I'd write about food today. More specifically, about eating exactly what you like, when you want to. (Also it's #worldpastaday so a good time to write about food, right?)

Too often, people go on diets that starve them of food. Usually, it's carbs and sugar and fat. People think the only way to be healthy is to live solely off of vegetables and fruit, but they're wrong. There are different food groups for a reason; your body needs a healthy balance of them all in order to function properly. On top of your fruit and veg you need protein, you need carbs, you need fats and sugars.

The key to eating anything you want and maintaining a healthy body is to eat your favourite foods in moderation. Me, I could eat a share bag of dorito's to myself every day, easy peasy. Crisps are my weakness! But I know that I shouldn't- and therefore, I don't. Okay, okay, one in a blue moon I might treat myself, of me and my sister are having a movie night. But you get the gist of it.

To be healthy or even to lose weight, you don't have to deprive yourself of your favourite foods. Your body needs carbs, so don't cut out that food group- carbs give you a lot of your energy! Furthermore, cutting something out of your diet completely, e.g. sugar, only makes your body crave it more and its highly probable that you'll end up caving and having a total binge on your favourite junk food, which will totally reverse any weight loss you've been working towards and won't leave you feeling particularly great generally- because junk food never does, does it?

It's important to eat what you like. I'm so sick of seeing people say that XYZ is bad and should be avoided at all costs because you'll get fat otherwise!!! No, not every food is great for you, but in small quantities and in moderation, you should be able to enjoy the foods that you like! Life is too short to restrict yourself...go ahead and have that donut!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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