Don't Be Jealous, Be Inspired

"Don't be jealous, be inspired"

This is one of my favourite quotes ever. It rings particularly true with me, and I think that's why I like it so much. 

I have found myself the subject of jealous individuals since pursuing my media based career, and I have also been filled with jealousy as well. In both cases, neither have had a positive ending.

When people are jealous of me (that sounds so conceited to say but it has happened) it's always kind of bittersweet. I'm flattered because obviously it means I'm doing well in life if people want what I have/want to do what I do. But it's not such a great feeling because jealousy is such a negative emotion, and I hate to have people feel negatively toward me! 

Furthermore, it's weird if a 'friend' says they're jealous of me. Why would you be jealous of your friends? Surely they should be inspiring you, enlightening you. You should be proud of them, happy for them- not jealous of them! If it's not a 'friend' that's jealous, it's even weirder because if they're jealous of you, they often act negatively toward you, more so than a friend would- this is something that has happened to me and it's not something I want to go through again! 

The thing is, why would you ever waste your time being jealous of someone? Why sit, lusting over someone's life on social media, thinking about all of the things someone else has that you don't? What is the point of mooning over someone else's life and then complaining bitterly about your own?

Instead, why don't you look at these people you find yourself so jealous of and use them as a source of inspiration? Are they pursuing a career you'd like to do? Are they working on a project similar to something you'd like to be working on? Then have a look at what they're doing and how they're doing it! Now I'm not saying copy them, not by a long shot! But you can certainly use their motivation as a springboard for your own work. You can be inspired by them! 

Think how much better your life would be if you stopped feeling the negative emotions, such as jealousy, and started feeling more positive emotions, like being inspired! 

Obviously you're always going to have down days where you might envy someone else- they might be working on something similar to you and be a step or two ahead and so yes, you might feel a little envious. But don't let the feeling linger for too long and burn up inside you; it's so toxic to feel like that for too long. Get inspired, get motivated and start bettering yourself/your relationships/your career. You'll honestly feel so much better for it! 

When you see people doing better than you, doing things you'd like to do or seemingly just being happier than you, don't get jealous- get inspired!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. This is a great post! I have a similar thing saved in my drafts and I feel like you said exactly what I wanted to haha. I'm trying really hard to use jealousy in a positive way and not let it cast negativity over me or my relationships. Really great advice :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and have such lovely things to say!

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