My favourite YouTubers!

I love to binge watch YouTube! I can start watching with the intention of only looking at one video, and then suddenly I'm in deep, finding new vloggers and channels, watching weird videos...I don't know how, it just happens! Of course, I love the big ones like the Saccone-Joly's (I watch them every day without fail!) and Louise Pentland (formerly Sprinkle of Glitter) but there are some other, less known channels I adore that I want to share with you guys today!

Lydia is just an amazing person as it is, but I love her YouTube channel! She is honest about everything, from the moment she felt like she wasn't good enough to YouTube to the moment she gave her brutally honest opinion on some of the snacks she'd been eating! What's even better about her channel is that it's still relatively new, so you can quite clearly see her progression between videos- as a friend, its a real joy to watch her continuously get better at what she is so passionate about, but as a viewer, it makes for even better watching than before!

Subscribe to her channel here

Nissy Tee
I met Nissy Tee when I trained to be a TV Presenter with YouthMediaAgency. She stood out from the start and has inspired me since the day I met her! She is intelligent, brave, just have to watch her videos! She is honest, emotional, enlightening and just a delight to watch. While she is rising up in the world and chasing her dreams, she still remains humble, which shows in her videos, and I really love that about her.

Subscribe to her channel here

I met Adam (the boy behind sicckm8) whilst filming the first ever live shows on 4Music and have followed him on social media since then. Normally, I'm not into fashion vlogs or videos, but they are quite refreshing coming from a boy, and I really like Adams style too! His Q and A videos are probably my favourite though, he does them pretty regularly and some of his answers really make me laugh! If you're looking for a YouTuber that's totally different from what you're used to watching, check him out!

Subscribe to his channel here

Cattitude & Co.
If you don't know Tara from Cattitude & Co., where have you been all your life?! She's only one of the most sensational bloggers and YouTuber's ever. Writing/talking so openly about sex, vaginas, periods and feminism has really altered how I perceive these things, as well as made me more confident when discussing them. Thanks to Tara, I'm investigating what contraception is best for me, I'm trying to get in touch with my body in regards to my periods, and I am a fiercer feminist than ever before! She's totally awesome, you need to watch her!

Subscribe to her here

Sydney Augusta
Sadly, Sydney doesn't upload videos very often anymore as she's focusing on school and was struggling with the balance, but when she does upload the videos, they are always so brilliant and well worth the wait! Her setting is always brilliant, her lighting is always great and she does lots of 'how to's' and Q and A's, which are my favourite kind of videos to watch. I don't know, her videos are always just really pretty, so I really enjoy them!

Subscribe to her here

Gabriella Lindley
Gabriella Lindley AKA Velvet Gh0st has two channels, Gabriella and Gabriella Lindley. Her channel, Gabriella Lindley, is my favourite. She uploads more regularly on it and there are more chatty videos and P.O. Box hauls which I really enjoy from successful YouTuber's such as herself! Her videos are always so honest too, whether she's drunk or feeling sad or angry about something, she lets it all out for her viewers and I really admire that about her.

Subscribe to her here

Charlotte Doherty
Charlotte's channel has grown quite quickly in quite a short space of time! Primarily a beauty vlogger, she also makes videos on seasonal favourites, anxiety and vlogs too! If you're looking for affordable makeup tutorials (and I mean genuinely affordable, not Vogue's version of affordable) as well as bright, funky hair styles and colours, look not further than Charlotte's channel because she has it all!

Subscribe to her here

Who are your favourite YouTuber's? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I love Cattitude's blog and Gabby's vlogs!

    I would also recommend Fleur De Force, Tanya Burr, Em Sheldon, What Dawn Did In Heels and Hello Miss Jordan.


    1. I used to watch Tanya Burr and have kind of gone off her...I don't watch any of the others though so I shall have a look, thank you!


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